/* * stopwatch.hpp * * Created on: Oct 4, 2009 * Author: mike * For use in Yale course CPSC 427a, Fall 2010 */ #pragma once #include #include "tools.hpp" #include "hrtime.hpp" using namespace std; //------------------------------------------------------------------- class StopWatch { private: const HirezTime zero; HirezTime startTime; HirezTime stopTime; HirezTime cumSpan; // cumulative time span bool running; public: StopWatch() { } void reset() { startTime = stopTime = cumSpan = zero; running = false; } void start() { if (running) fatal("Stopwatch already running"); startTime.readClock(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID); running = true; } void stop() { if (!running) fatal("Stopwatch already stopped"); stopTime.readClock(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID); running = false; cumSpan = cumSpan + (stopTime - startTime); } // Cast cumulative time span to a HirezTime. // Eliminates need for separate get and print methods. operator HirezTime() const { return cumSpan; } };