// -*- mode:c++; tab-width:4 -*- // file: tools.hpp ---------------------------------------------------- // header file for the C++ tools library. // modified September 2009 #pragma once // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local definitions. // Please enter your own name. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- #define NAME "Michael J. Fischer" #define CLASS "CPSC 427a/527a" #include #include #include #include #include // for NULL #include // for malloc() and calloc() #include // for time_t, time() and ctime() #include #include #include // for isspace() and isdigit() #include // for INT_MAX #include // for DOUBLE_MAX, etc. #include // for functions with variable # of arguments using namespace std; typedef char* cstring; typedef const char* const_cstring; typedef FILE* cstream; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Macros to make more convenient use of standard library functions. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DUMPp(p) "\n"< "<