CPSC 427a: Object-Oriented Programming | Handout #4 | |
Professor M. J. Fischer | September 19, 2011 | |
Problem Set 2
Due before midnight on Wednesday, September 28, 2011.
Many statistical problems are difficult to solve analytically, but they can be approximated through simulations. For example, suppose I toss a fair coin 100 times. The expected number of heads is 50, but because of statistical variation, the actual outcome of such an experiment might be 51 heads, or 45 heads, or even no heads at all! However, these outcomes are not equiprobable. Exactly 50 heads is slightly more likely than 49 or 51, but only a little bit. Below is a partial table of the probability of getting k heads in 100 tosses:
k | Probability |
… | … |
35 | 0.000863856 |
36 | 0.00155974 |
37 | 0.00269793 |
38 | 0.00447288 |
39 | 0.00711073 |
40 | 0.0108439 |
41 | 0.0158691 |
42 | 0.0222923 |
43 | 0.0300686 |
44 | 0.0389526 |
k | Probability |
45 | 0.0484743 |
46 | 0.0579584 |
47 | 0.0665905 |
48 | 0.073527 |
49 | 0.0780287 |
50 | 0.0795892 |
51 | 0.0780287 |
52 | 0.073527 |
53 | 0.0665905 |
54 | 0.0579584 |
55 | 0.0484743 |
k | Probability |
56 | 0.0389526 |
57 | 0.0300686 |
58 | 0.0222923 |
59 | 0.0158691 |
60 | 0.0108439 |
61 | 0.00711073 |
62 | 0.00447288 |
63 | 0.00269793 |
64 | 0.00155974 |
65 | 0.000863856 |
… | … |
Often the question we’re interested in is how likely is it that the outcome will deviate significantly from its expected value? For example, what is the probability that the number of heads in an experiment is less than 40? That, too, can be calculated from the complete version of this table—namely, add up the probabilities for k in the range [0…39]. Doing so, one obtains the result 0.0176001. By symmetry, this is also the probability that the experiment results in more than 60 heads. Hence, with probability 0.9647998, the number of heads in 100 coin tosses will lie in the interval [40…60].
When the coin tosses are not independent, it becomes much more difficult to obtain analytical solutions, so simulations may be the only reasonable way to gain understanding of the behavior. For example, suppose the outcome of the next coin toss is influenced by the result of the previous toss. This could happen in the physical world, for example, if the device that tosses the coin is more likely to flip it over an even number of times than an odd number. Perhaps the outcome of the coin toss has probability p = 0.6 of being the same as the previous toss and 0.4 of being the opposite.
Assuming the coin starts with heads, then the first toss is heads with probability p = 0.6. The probability that the second toss is heads is then 0.6 * 0.6 + 0.4 * 0.4 = 0.52. This is because there are two different ways for the second toss to be heads, namely, the two tosses are (heads, heads) and (tails, heads). These in turn are generated by (same, same) and (opposite, opposite) outcomes of the randomizing device, which have probabilities of 0.6 * 0.6 and 0.4 * 0.4, respectively.
It is not a priori clear how big a difference this should make on our problem of estimating the probability that an experiment of 100 flips will result in fewer than 40 heads. We would expect that the number of heads will be slightly greater, but perhaps not significantly more. On the other hand, if p is close to 1.0, then we can expect to get a long streak of heads at the beginning of the sequence, greatly reducing the chance of seeing at most 40 heads in all. The purpose of this assignment is to explore this question of how non-independence in the coin tosses affects the outcome of an experiment of repeated coin tosses.
In this assignment, you are to write a program to estimate the probability q that, in a
sequence of n non-independent tosses of a coin, the number of heads is less than a threshold τ.
Your program will do this by running a simulation consisting of some large number of trials, say
t = 1000. Each trial consists of performing an experiment and seeing if the outcome
is less than τ. If so, we say the trial is a success. Let m be the number of successful
trials. You will then estimate q by the quantity = m∕t, the fraction of successful
Your program should obtain the following parameters that define the problem:
It should then run t experiments, where each experiment consists of n coin tosses. Let m be the
number of experiments where the outcome (number of heads) is less than τ. Your program should
then compute and print out the estimator .
The parameters should be obtained through five command line arguments. Command line arguments are C-style strings and must be converted to the appropriate types before being used. All parameters are unsigned integers except for p, which should be converted to a double. You may use the C-style functions strtol() and strtod() in cstdlib to do the conversion, or you may create a stringstream for each parameter, and then use the stream input operator >> to convert the data. (See stringstream reference.)
This is a relatively simple program and could easily be written in an unstructured way in C. However, I want you to focus on using C++ classes to cleanly model the various aspects of the problem.
You should define a class Coin that models a non-independent coin. A coin toss has two possible outcomes that should be represented by an enum type with constants heads and tails. The current outcome of the Coin should be stored in a data member that is initialized to heads by the Coin constructor.
Class Coin should have a member function toss() that simulates one toss of the coin, and a const member function outcome that returns the current outcome.
Let p give the probability that two successive tosses are the same. To generate a coin toss, you need to generate a biased random bit b, where b = 0 with probability p and b = 1 with probability 1 -p. Then b = 0 means keep the same coin outcome and b = 1 means flip the current outcome. We delegate the problem of generating b to another class RandBit (see below). Class Coin has a data member rb that points to an instance of RandBit. Then each call on rb->next() returns the next bit in sequence.
Finally, class Coin should have a member function print() that prints a character string representation of the current coin outcome.
The class RandBit is used to generate the sequence of “random” bits needed by toss(). The reason for making RandBit its own class is so that it can have two different modes of operation. In normal mode, it uses the system random number generator rand() to generate successive bits. In testing mode, it can read a sequence of 0’s and 1’s from a file. This allows unit test programs to control the bits that are used by Coin and makes the program deterministic. Which mode it operates in is determined at the time it is constructed.
The dependency parameter p is stored in a data member of RandBit for use in its normal mode of operation. To generate b, you should generate a random double r in the semi-open interval [0…1). Then if r < p take b = 0 and otherwise take b = 1. To generate a random double, compute (double)rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1.0). You will need to include cstdlib in your program.
One way to determine the mode to use is to have two constructors for RandBit. One constructor takes the double p as its argument and sets the class to operate in normal mode. The other constructor takes a file name as argument and sets the class to operate in file mode. Obviously, some provision must be made for the case that the file runs out of bits.
You should define a class Experiment that models an experiment. It should have a data member n for the number of tosses in the experiment, initialized by the constructor. A member function run(c) should run one experiment using the coin c and return the number of heads. c will be a call-by-value parameter of type Coin. This makes it possible to run experiments with different kinds of coins, which is very useful for testing. By making the parameter call-by-value, one starts each experiment with a fresh copy of c, which will be in outcome state heads, assuming it has never been flipped.
Finally, you should define a class Simulator that carries out the simulation. It should have
data members to store all of the parameters defining the problem. It should have a
member function run() that carries out the simulation, computes , and stores it in a
data member. A const member function will get the value of
. Successive calls on
run() should rerun the simulation from scratch, but of course using different random
The main program should create a Simulator instance, seed the random number generator (using srand()), run one (or maybe more) simulations, and print out the results.
The real difficulty of this problem is not writing the code but verifying that it is correct. As stated above, your program reads in a bunch of parameters and prints out a number that you have no way of knowing whether or not it is correct. To make matters worse, the output depends on the results of a simulation, so one expects that rerunning the program with different seeds will produce different answers.
To have confidence in your answer, you will need to create unit tests to verify the different parts of your code. Some tests that you should make are with parameters for which you know what to expect. For example, if p = 1.0, then the sequence of coin tosses should consist of all heads, and if p = 0.0, then the sequence should alternate tails, heads, tails, heads, …. If p = 0.5, then the coin tosses are independent and unbiased. In each of these cases, it is easy to calculate the success probability q and make sure that the output of your program is reasonable.
Better testing can be done by controlling the sequence of random bits used in the simulation. To control the sequence of bits, put the test sequence into a file, and set the testing mode of RandBit to use them. Then you can verify directly, for example, that Coin is producing the correct sequence of coin tosses.
You should submit this assignment using the submit script that you will find in /c/cs427/bin/ on the Zoo. Remember to submit the following items: