CPSC 427a: Object-Oriented Programming

Michael J. Fischer

Lecture 9
September 29, 2011


Class relationships Classes relate to and collaborate with other classes.

Many ways in which one class relates to other.

We first explore derivation, where one class modifies and extends another.

What is derivation?

One class can be derived from another.


    class A {  
       int x;  
    class B : public A {  
       int y;  

A is the base class; B is the derived class.

B inherits the members from A.


A base class instance is contained in each derived class instance.

Similar to composition, except for inheritance.

Function members are also inherited.

Data and function members can be overridden in the derived class.

Derivation is a powerful tool for allowing variations to a design.

Some uses of derivation

Derivation has several uses.

Example: Parallelogram

class Parallelogram {  
protected:           // allows access by children  
    double base;     // length of base  
    double side;     // length of side  
    double angle;    // angle between base and side  
    Parallelogram() {}         // null default constructor  
    Parallelogram(double b, double s, double a);  
    double area() const;       // computes area  
    double perimeter() const;  // computes perimeter  
    ostream& print( ostream& out ) const;  

Example: Rectangle

class Rectangle : public Parallelogram {  
   Rectangle( double b, double s ) {  
      base = b;  
      side = s;  
      angle = pi/2.0; // assumes pi is defined elsewhere  

New class Rectangle inherits area(), perimeter(), and print() functions from Parallelogram.

Example: Square

class Square : public Rectangle {  
   Square( double b ) : Rectangle(b, b) {} // uses ctor  
   bool inscribable( Square& s ) const {  
      double diag = sqrt( 2.0 )*side;  // this diagonal  
      return side <= s.side && diag >= s.side;  
   double area() const { return side*side; }  

New class Square inherits the perimeter(), and print() functions from Parallelogram (via Rectangle).

It overrides the function area().

Notes on Square

Features of Square.

Construction, Initialization, and Destruction

Structure of an object A simple object is like a struct in C.

It consists of a block of storage large enough to contain all of its data members.

An object of a derived class contains an instance of the base class followed by the data members of the derived class.


  class B : A { };

  B bObj;

Then “inside” of bObj is an A-instance!

Example of object of a derived class

The declaration A aObj creates a variable of type A and storage size large enough to contain all of A’s data members (plus perhaps some padding).


int x;

The declaration B bObj creates a variable of type B and storage size large enough to contain all of A’s data members plus all of B’s data members.


int x;
int y;

The inner box denotes an A-instance.

Referencing a composed object

Contrast the previous example to

  class B { A aObj; };

  B bObj;

Here B composes A.

The embedded A object can be referenced using data member name aObj, e.g., bObj.aObj.

Referencing a base object

How do we reference the base object embedded in a derived class?


    class A { public: int x; int y; };

    class B : A { int y; };

    B bObj;

Initializing an object

Whenever a class object is created, one of its constructors is called.

If not specified otherwise, the default constructor is called.

This is the one that takes no arguments.

If you do not define the default constructor, then the null constructor (which does nothing) is used.

This applies not only to the “outer” object but also to all of its embedded objects.

Construction rules

The rule for an object of a simple class is:

  1. Call the constructor/initializer for each data member object in sequence.
  2. Call the constructor for the class.

The rule for an object of a derived class is:

  1. Call the constructor for the base class recursively.
  2. Call the constructor/initializer for each data member object of the derived class in sequence.
  3. Call the constructor for the derived class.

Destruction rules

When an object is deleted, the destructors are called in the opposite order.

The rule for an object of a derived class is:

  1. Call the destructor for the dervied class.
  2. Call the destructor for each data member object of the derived class in reverse sequence.
  3. Call the destructor for the base class.

Constructor ctors

Ctors (short for constructor/initializors) allow one to supply parameters to implicitly-called constructors.


class B : A {  
  B( int n ) : A(n) {};  
      // Calls A constructor with argument n  

Initialization ctors

Ctors also can be used to initialze primitive (non-class) variables.


class  B {  
  int x;  
  const int y;  
  B( int n ) : x(n), y(n+1) {}; // Initializes x and y  

Multiple ctors are separated by commas.

Ctors present must be in the same order as the construction takes place – base class ctor first, then data member ctors in the same order as their declarations in the class.

Initialization not same as assignment

Previous example using ctors is not the same as writing

   B( int n ) { y=n+1; x=n; };

Copy constructors

Polymorphic Derivation

Polymorphism and Type Hierarchies Consider following simple type hierarchy:

    class B     { public: int f(); ... };  
    class U : B { int f(); ... };  
    class V : B { int f(); ... };

We have a base class B and derived classes U and V.

Declare B* bp; U* up = new U; V* vp = new V.

Can write bp = up; or bp = vp;.

Why does this make sense?

*up has an embedded instance of B.

*vp has an embedded instance of B.

Relationships: A U is a B (and more). A V is a B (and more).

Polymorphic pointers Recall:

    class B     { public: int f(); ... };  
    class U : B { int f(); ... };  
    class V : B { int f(); ... };  
    B* bp;

bp can point to objects of type B, type U, or type V.

Say bp is a polymorphic pointer.

Want bp->f() to refer to U::f() if bp contains a U pointer.

Want bp->f() to refer to V::f() if bp contains a V pointer.

In this example, bp->f() always refers to B::f().

Virtual functions Solution: Polymorphic derivation

    class B     { public: virtual int f(); ... };  
    class U : B { virtual int f(); ... };  
    class V : B { virtual int f(); ... };  
    B* bp;

A virtual function is dispatched at run time to the class of the actual object.

bp->f() refers to U::f() if bp points to a U.

bp->f() refers to V::f() if bp points to a V.

bp->f() refers to B::f() if bp points to a B.

Here, the type refers to the allocation type.

Unions and type tags We can regard bp as a pointer to the union of types B, U and V.

To know which of B::f(), U::f() or V::f() to use for the call bp->f() requires runtime type tags.

If a class has virtual functions, the compiler adds a type tag field to each object.

This takes space at run time.

The compiler also generates a vtable to use in dispatching calls on virtual functions.

Virtual destructors

Consider delete bp;, where bp points to a U but has type B*.

The U destructor will not be called unless destructor B::~B() is declared to be virtual.

Note: The base class destructor is always called, whether or not it is virtual.

In this way, destructors are different from other member methods.

Conclusion: If a derived class has a non-empty destructor, the base class destructor should be declared virtual.