CPSC 427a: Object-Oriented Programming

Michael J. Fischer

Lecture 10
October 4, 2011

Uses of polymorphism

Some uses of polymorphism:

Multiple representations

Might want different representations for an object.

Example: A point in the plane can be represented by either Cartesian or Polar coordinates.

A Point base class can provide abstract operations on points.

E.g., virtual int quadrant() const returns the quadrant of *this.

For Cartesian coordinates, quadrant is determined by the signs of the x and y coordinates of the point.

For polar coordinates, quadrant is determined by the angle θ.

Both Cartesian and Polar derived classes should contain a method for int quadrant() const.

Heterogeneous containers

One might wish to have a stack of Point objects.

The element type of the stack would be Point*.

The actual values would have type either Cartesian* or Polar*.

The automatically generated type tags and dynamic dispatching obviates the need to cast the result of pop() to the correct type.


Stack st; Point* p;

p = st.pop();  // no need to cast result

p->quadrant(); // automatic dispatch

Run-time variability

Two types are closely related; differ only slightly.

Example: Company has several different kinds of employees.

Pure virtual functions

Suppose we don’t want B::f() and never create instances of B.

We make B::f() into a pure virtual function by writing =0.

    class B     { public: virtual int f()=0; ... };  
    class U : B { virtual int f(); ... };  
    class V : B { virtual int f(); ... };  
    B* bp;

A pure virtual function is sometimes called a promise.

It tells the compiler that a construct like bp->f() is legal.

The compiler requires every derived class to contain a method f().

Abstract classes

An abstract class is a class with one or more pure virtual functions.

An abstract class cannot be instantiated.

It can only be used as the base for another class.

The destructor can never be a pure virtual function but will generally be virtual.

A pure abstract class is one where all member functions are pure virtual (except for the destructor) and there are no data members,

Pure abstract classes define an interface à la Java.

An interface allows user-supplied code to integrate into a large system.

Name visibility

Private derivation (default) class B : A { ... }; specifies private derivation of B from A.

A class member inherited from A become private in B.

Like other private members, it is inaccessible outside of B.

If public in A, it can be accessed from within A or B or via an instance of A, but not via an instance of B.

If private in A, it can only be accessed from within A.

It cannot even be accessed from within B.

Private derivation example Example:

  class A {  
  private:  int x;  
  public:   int y;  
  class B : A {  
      ... f() {... x++; ...} // privacy violation  
  //-------- outside of class definitions --------  
  A a; B b;  
  a.x   // privacy violation  
  a.y   // ok  
  b.x   // privacy violation  
  b.y   // privacy violation

Public derivation class B : public A { ... }; specifies public derivation of B from A.

A class member inherited from A retains its privacy status from A.

If public in A, it can be accessed from within B and also via instances of A or B.

If private in A, it can only be accessed from within A.

It cannot even be accessed from within B.

Public derivation example


  class A {  
  private:  int x;  
  public:   int y;  
  class B : public A {  
      ... f() {... x++; ...} // privacy violation  
  //-------- outside of class definitions --------  
  A a; B b;  
  a.x   // privacy violation  
  a.y   // ok  
  b.x   // privacy violation  
  b.y   // ok

The protected keyword

protected is a privacy status between public and private.

Protected class members are inaccessible from outside the class (like private) but accessible within a derived class (like public).


  class A {  
  protected: int z;  
  class B : A {  
      ... f() {... z++; ...} // ok  

Protected derivation

class B : protected A { ... }; specifies protected derivation of B from A.

A public or protected class member inherited from A becomes protected in B.

If public in A, it can be accessed from within B and also via instances of A but not via instances of B.

If protected in A, it can be accessed from within A or B but not from outside.

If private in A, it can only be accessed from within A.

It cannot be accessed from within B.

Privacy summary

Class A (


Kind of Derivation

public protected private

public public protected private
protectedprotectedprotected private
private invisible invisible invisible

      Visibility in derived class B.

Surprising example 1 1 class A {  
2 protected:  
3   int x;  
4 };  
5 class B : public A {  
6 public:  
7   int f() { return x; }         //  ok  
8   int g(A* a) { return a->x; }  //  privacy violation  
9 };


tryme1.cpp: In member function ’int B::g(A*)’:  
tryme1.cpp:3: error: ’int A::x’ is protected  
tryme1.cpp:9: error: within this context

Surprising example 2: contrast the following 1 class A { };  
2 class B : public A {};    // <-- public derivation  
3 int main() { A* ap; B* bp;  
4   ap = bp; }

Result: OK.

___________________________________________________________ 1 class A { };  
2 class B : private A {};    // <-- private derivation  
3 int main() { A* ap; B* bp;  
4   ap = bp; }


tryme2.cpp: In function ’int main()’:  
tryme2.cpp:4: error: ’A’ is an inaccessible base of ’B’

Surprising example 3 1 class A { protected: int x; };  
2 class B : protected A {};  
3 int main() { A* ap; B* bp;  
4   ap = bp; }


tryme3.cpp: In function ’int main()’:  
tryme3.cpp:4: error: ’A’ is an inaccessible base of ’B’