CPSC 427a: Object-Oriented Programming

Michael J. Fischer

Lecture 15
October 25, 2011

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Runtime Tester

Modularizing timing tests

The 14-StopWatch demo presented last time illustrated the use of the StopWatch class to obtain the running time of some simple test programs.

All of the test code was thrown together in a monolithic main() function.

The code PS2-timing, which will be the basis of problem set 4, puts some structure on the test code.

It also illustrates some C++ features that we have not used much up to this point.

Structure of class Tester

Some design goals for class Tester:

  1. Put the subject code to be timed into a separate function.
  2. Separate the measurement code from the code block being tested.
  3. Create a test manager runAllTests() that can be called by main() to carry out all tests, and delegate printing to it.
  4. Provide a means for main() to control the parameters governing the test – in this case, the number of iterations and the seed for the random number generator.

Objective 1

Tester has two subject member functions:

Objective 2

Tester has a function measureRuntime() that takes a member function as its argument and returns a HirezTime result.

This requires the use of member function pointers, which will be explained shortly.

Objective 3

Tests are managed by runAllTests() and runOneTest().

Printing is handled by those two functions.

Objective 4

Optional parameters are passed to Tester through its constructor rather than being frozen in the Tester class.

Member function pointers

C++ supports pointers to class member functions through some new constructs:

  1. The type declaration syntax is extended with the ::* syntax.
  2. The & operator is extended to apply to qualified member function names and return member function pointers.
  3. Two new operators .* and ->* are introduced to follow member function pointers and permit the referenced functions to be called.

Declaring member function pointers

The type of a member function must include the type of the implicit argument as well as the explicit argument types and return type. This is done by placing ::* between the type of the explicit argument and the member function name.


   double (MyClass::*myPtr)(int)

declares myPtr to be a pointer to a member function of class MyClass that takes an explicit int argument and returns a double

If the implicit argument is const, the declaration becomes

   double (MyClass::*myPtr) const (int)

Using typedef with member function pointers

Many people find the member function pointer declaration syntax to be cumbersome and confusing.

I (and many others) highly recommend using typedef to give a simple descriptive name to the function pointer type.

This new type name is then used to declare function pointer parameters and function pointer variables.


    typedef double (MyClass::*FunctionPtr)(int);  
    double someFunction(FunctionPtr f, int n) {...}  
    FunctionPtr myPtr;

Creating member function pointers

Function pointers are created using the & operator.


    class MyClass {  
        double myFun( int n ) {  
            return (double)n/3.0;  
    myPtr = &MyClass::myFun;

Using member function pointers

Member function pointers are followed using one of the two C++ binary operators .* or ->*.


  1. (obj.*myPtr)(17);
  2. (objp->*myPtr)(17);

Assuming myPtr currently points to member function myFun, these calls are equivalent to:

  1. obj.myFun(17);
  2. (objp->myFun)(17);

Demo: Hangman Game

Game Rules

Hangman game Well-known letter-guessing game.

Start with a hidden puzzle word.

Player guesses a letter.

Player wins when puzzle word is uncovered.

Player loses after 7 bad guesses

Code Design

Overall design Game elements:

  1. Puzzle word and letters found so far.
  2. Bad guesses word.
  3. Alphabet and letters left.
  4. Vocabulary.
  5. Game board display (viewer).
  6. Game play (controller).

Use cases

Two levels.

  1. Play one round of Hangman on a puzzle word.
  2. Repeated play

Code structure: Model


  1. Alphabet used to represent letters left.
  2. HangWord used to represent puzzle word and bad guesses.
  3. Both are derived from BaseWord
  4. Common elements are a word and a visibility mask.
  5. Variable elements:
  6. Class Board data members store model state.

Code structure: Viewer and controller

Viewer Contained in class Board.

Controller Contained in class Board.

Class Game

Class Game is a top-level MVC design.

Storage Management

Storage management Two storage management issues in Hangman:

  1. How to store the vocabulary list?
  2. How to store the words in the vocabulary?

Natural solutions are to store vocabulary as an array of pointers to strings.

Natural way to each string is to use new to allocate a character buffer of the appropriate length.

Design issues:

String store

A StringStore provide an alternative way to store words.

Instead of using new once for each string, allocate a big char array and copy strings into it.

When no longer needed, ~StringStore() deletes entire array.

Advantages and disadvantages: