/* * main.cpp * * Created on: Oct 3, 2009; modified Oct 19, 2010 * Author: Michael Fischer * For use in Yale course CPSC 427a, Fall 2010 */ //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test program for StopWatch class. // This program generates 1,000,000 random numbers and stores them // in a list. // It first uses an array allocated from the heap. // It then uses a linked list. // It prints out the elapsed CPU time for each method. //------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include "stopwatch.hpp" #include "tools.hpp" using namespace std; #define ITERATIONS 20000000 // 20 million //------------------------------------------------------------------- class Cell { public: int data; // data item Cell* next; // pointer to next cell Cell(int s, Cell* nx) { data = s; next = nx; } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(void) { banner(); StopWatch sw; cout << "Testing lists with " << ITERATIONS << " numbers\n" << endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test 1: Array list sw.reset(); sw.start(); int* array = new int[ITERATIONS]; for (int k = 0; k < ITERATIONS; k++) { array[k] = rand(); // array[k] = 123; // Much time is spent in rand(); try with constants } delete[] array; sw.stop(); cout << "Array list: " << sw << " seconds" << endl; //------------------------------------------------------------------- sw.reset(); sw.start(); Cell* head = NULL; for (int k = 0; k < ITERATIONS; k++) { head = new Cell(rand(), head); // head = new Cell(123, head); } while (head != NULL) { Cell* p = head; head = head->next; delete p; } sw.stop(); cout << "Linked list: " << sw << " seconds" << endl; bye(); }