CPSC 427: Object-Oriented Programming

Michael J. Fischer

Lecture 24
December 3, 2018

Remarks about PS6

Circular dependencies There is a circular dependency between classes Block and SPtr.

The following steps will break the circularity and avoid compiler errors.

Have Block.hpp #include SPtr.hpp but not the other way around, i.e., SPtr.hpp should not #include Block.hpp.
To fix the resulting error about Block being unknown when reading SPtr.hpp, one should added a forward declation for Block at the top of SPtr.hpp. This looks like
class Block;.
To compile SPtr.cpp, #include Block.hpp in the CPP file, SPtr.cpp.

Double-delete problem with SPtrs

All smart pointer pointing at the same target and count objects form a smart pointer cluster.

To form a cluster, a smart pointer should be constructed at the same time as a Block is constructed. Additional smart pointers to that same block should be created by copying a smart pointer that is already in the cluster for that block.

If a second cluster is created that points to the same block, the block will be deleted once for each cluster when it goes away, resulting in a double delete.

Using Blockchain objects

Blockchain is a wrapper around an SPtr object.

Blockchains can be freely assigned and copied using the default assignment and copy constructors.

The default assignment and copy constructor for Blockchain operates by assigning or copying correspending data members.

For the SPtr data member, the assignment operator or copy constructor defined in SPtr will get used.

This results in the source and destination blockchains having embedded smart pointers that belong to the same cluster.

Nothing special has to be done in class Blockchain to achieve this behavior.

Clocks and Time Measurement

How to measure run time of a program

High resolution clocks

Measuring time in real systems

Demo: Stopwatch

Realtime measurements StopWatch is a class I wrote for measuring realtime performance of code.

It emulates a stopwatch with 3 buttons: reset, start, and stop.

At any time, the watch displays the cumulative time that the stopwatch has been running.

HirezTime class

HirezTime is a wrapper class for the system-specific functions to read the clock.

It hides the details of the underlying time representation and provides a simple interface for reading, computing, and printing times and time intervals.

HirezTime objects are intended to be copied rather than pointed at, and they try to behave like other numeric types.

Versions of HirezTime

There are two versions: 24-StopWatch (Linux/Unix/MacOSX) Function gettimeofday() returns the clock in a struct timeval, which consists of two long ints representing seconds and microseconds. The resolution of the clock is system-dependent, typically 1 millisecond. (See demo 24-StopWatch.) 24-StopWatch-hirez (Linux only) Function clock_gettime() returns the clock in a struct timespec, which consists of two long ints representing seconds and nanoseconds. The resolution of the clock is system-dependent and can be obtained with the clock_getres() function. (See demo 24-StopWatch-hirez.)

HirezTime structure

Printing a HirezTime number

Something seemingly simple like printing HirezTime values is not so simple. Naively, one might write:

    cout << t.tv_sec << "." << t.tv_usec;

where tv_sec and tv_usec are the seconds and microseconds fields of a timeval structure.

If t represents 2 seconds and 27 microseconds, then what would print is 2.27, not the correct 2.000027.

The class contains a print function that fixes this problem.

StopWatch class

StopWatch contains five member variables to remember

All functions are inline to minimize inaccuracies of measurement due to the overhead within the stopwatch code itself.

Casting a StopWatch to a HirezTime

An operator extension defines a cast for reading the cumulative time from a stop watch:

   operator HirezTime() const { return cumSpan; }

Thus, if sw is a StopWatch,

   cout << sw;

will print sw.cumSpan using sw.print().

Why it works

This works because operator<<() is not defined for righthand operands of type StopWatch but it is defined for HirezTime.

The compiler then coerces sw to something that is acceptable to the << operator.

Because operator HirezTime() is defined for class StopWatch, the compiler will invoke it to obtain a HirezTime object, for which << is defined.

Note that a similar coercion happens when one writes

   if(!in) {}

to test if an istream object in is open for reading. Here, the istream object is coerced to a bool because operator bool() is defined inside the streams package.