CPSC455/555: Economics and Computation


Instructor: Joan Feigenbaum 

Office: AKW 512; Telephone: 203-432-6432


Professor Feigenbaum suffers from Repetitive Strain Injury and cannot handle large amounts of email. Do NOT send her email about CPSC455; instead, please contact her through her assistant:

Judi Paige Telephone: 203-436-1267


TA: Sheng Zhong 

Office: AKW412; Telephone: 203-432-7037







Course description:


A mathematically rigorous investigation of the interplay of economic theory and computer science with an emphasis on the relationship of incentive compatibility and computational efficiency. Particular attention is paid to the formulation and solution of mechanism-design problems that are relevant to data networking and Internet-based commerce. Suitable for mathematically inclined advanced undergraduates and first- or second-year graduate students in Computer Science, Economics, or closely related fields.  CPSC365 or equivalent background in algorithms and complexity theory  is an essential prerequisite.


Note on the prerequisite:


It really is essential that students have a firm grounding in the basics of theoretical computer science before enrolling in CPSC455/555. If you are unsure about whether you have the  necessary background, you should read the paper "Algorithmic Mechanism Design," by Nisan and Ronen and the thesis chapter "Interactive Combinatorial Auctions: Achieving Economic and Computational Efficiency," by Parkes. If you have trouble understanding either of these, then you should not enroll in CPSC455/555.


Rough topic outline:


Rather than survey the entire potential intersection of economic theory and computational theory, we will concentrate on four topics of current interest: routing, multicast cost sharing, digital-goods auctions, and information markets. Below, you will find a list of papers on each topic, plus some other related material.  Required reading for each class will be posted as the semester progresses and will be drawn primarily from the list below.




Every student is required to do a final paper or programming project, due in class on the last day (April 24, 2003).  Topics must be discussed with and approved by Professor Feigenbaum before Spring break.  In addition, undergraduates will have to do a PowerPoint presentation to the class of one of the required papers, and graduate students will have to do two such presentations.



Student Presentations:


Jan. 30, 2003:  "How Bad is Selfish Routing?" by T. Roughgarden and E. Tardos, JACM 49 (2): 236-259. 2002. Presented by Hadi Salmasian.


Feb. 4, 2003:  "On Cheating in Sealed-Bid Auctions, " by R. Porter and Y. Shoham, to appear in EC 2003. Presented by Hong Jiang.


Feb. 11, 2003:  "Competitive Generalized Auctions," by A. Fiat, A. Goldberg, J. Hartline and A. Karlin, STOC 2002: 72-81. Presented by Gus Fuldner.


Feb. 18, 2003:  "Oblivious AQM and Nash Equilibria," by Debojyoti Dutta, Ashish Goel, and John Heidemann, to appear in INFOCOM 2003. Presented by Zheng Ma.


Feb. 20, 2003:  "Best-Effort versus Reservations: A Simple Comparative Analysis", by L. Breslau and S. Shenker, SIGCOMM 1998: 3-16; "Fundamental Design Issues for the Future Internet," by Scott Shenker, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13 (7): 1176-1188. 1995. Presented by Aleksandr Yampolskiy.


Feb. 25, 2003 and Feb. 27, 2003:  "Betting Boolean-style: A Framework for Trading in Securities Based on Logical Formulas," by L. Fortnow, J. Kilian, D. Pennock, and M. Wellman, NEC Laboratories America Technical Report #2002-L010N. 2002; "NP Markets, or How to Get Everyone else to Solve Your Intractable Problems," by D. Pennock, Workshop on Economic Agents, Models, and Mechanisms at IJCAI 2001: 89-98. 2001.Presented by David Goldenberg.


Mar. 4, 2003:  "Combinatorial Information Market Design," by R. Hanson, Information Systems Frontiers 5 (1): 105-117. 2003. Presented by Yukai Wang.


Mar. 6, 2003:  "Asset Pricing Under Endogenous Expectations in an Artificial Stock Market," by W. Arthur, J. Holland, B. LeBaron, R. Palmer, and P. Talyer, 1996. Presented by Daniel Pfeiffer.


Mar. 27, 2003:  "Computationally Feasible VCG Mechanisms," by N. Nisan and A. Ronen, EC 2000: 242-252. Presented by Kevin Chang.


Apr. 1, 2003:  "Achieving Budget-Balance with Vickrey-Based Payment Schemes in Exchanges, " by D. Parkes, J. Kalagnanam, and M. Eso,  IJCAI 2001: 1161-1168. Presented by Jeffrey Sarnat.


Apr. 3, 2003:  "Applications of Approximation to Cooperative Games," by K. Jain and V. Vazirani, STOC 2001: 364-372. Presented by Jiang Chen.


Apr. 8, 2003:  "Modeling Information Incorporation in Markets with Application to Detecting and Explaining Events," by D. Pennock, S. Debnath, E. Glover, and C. Giles, UAI 2002: 405-413. Presented by Chetan Jindal.





"Algorithmic Mechanism Design," by N. Nisan and A. Ronen, Games and Economic Behavior 35 (1-2) : 166--196. 2001.


"Algorithms for Selfish Agents -- Mechanism Design for Distributed Computation," by N. Nisan, STACS 1999: 1-15.


"Interactive Combinatorial Auctions: Achieving Economic and Computational Efficiency," by D. Parkes, AAAI/IAAI 2000: 74-81.


"Algorithms, Games, and the Internet," by C. Papadimitriou, ICALP 2001: 1-3.


"Distributed Algorithmic Mechanism Design: Recent Results and Future Directions," by J. Feigenbaum and S. Shenker, DIALM 2002: 1-13.





"Algorithmic Mechanism Design," by N. Nisan and A. Ronen, Games and Economic Behavior 35 (1-2) : 166--196. 2001.


"Vickrey Prices and Shortest Paths: What is an Edge Worth," by J. Hershberger and S. Suri, FOCS 2001: 252-259.


"A BGP-based Mechanism for Lowest-Cost Routing," by J. Feigenbaum, C. Papadimitriou, R. Sami, and S. Shenker, PODC 2002: 173-182.


"How Bad is Selfish Routing?" by T. Roughgarden and E. Tardos, JACM 49 (2): 236-259. 2002.  


"Worst-Case Equilibria," by E. Koutsoupias and C. Papadimitriou, STACS 1999: 404-413.


"Frugal Path Mechanisms," by A. Archer and E. Tardos, SODA 2002: 991-999.


"Selfish Routing," by T. Roughgarden, PhD thesis, Cornell University, May 2002.


"The Price of Anarchy is Independent of the Network Topology," by T. Roughgarden, Invited to special issue of JCSS. Conference version appears in STOC 2002: 428--437.


"How Unfair is Optimal Routing?" by T. Roughgarden, SODA 2002: 991-999.



Multicast Cost Sharing:


"Sharing the Cost of Multicast Transmission," by J. Feigenbaum, C. Papadimitriou, and S. Shenker, JCSS 63 (1): 21-41. 2001.


"Hardness Results for Multicast Cost Sharing," by J. Feigenbaum, A. Krishnamurthy, R. Sami, and S. Shenker, FSTTCS 2002: 133-144.


"Approximation and Collusion in Multicast Cost Sharing," by A. Archer, J. Feigenbaum, A. Krishnamurthy, R. Sami, and S. Shenker.


"Pricing Multicasting in More Practical Network Models," by M. Adler and D. Rubenstein, SODA 2002: 981-990.


"Applications of Approximation to Cooperative Games," by K. Jain and V. Vazirani, STOC 2001: 364-372.



Digital-Goods Auctions:


"Competitive Auctions," by A. Goldberg, J. Hartline, A. Karlin, and A. Wright.


"Competitive Generalized Auctions," by A. Fiat, A. Goldberg, J. Hartline and A. Karlin, STOC 2002: 72-81.



Information Markets:


"Extracting collective probabilistic forecasts from web games," by D. Pennock, S. Lawrence, F. Nielsen, and C. Giles, KDD 2001: 174-183.


"Computation in a Distributed Information Market," by J. Feigenbaum, L. Fortnow, D. Pennock, and R. Sami, NEC Laboratories America Technical Note 2002-L011N.


"The Arbitrage Principle in Financial Economics," by H. Varian, J. Economic Perspectives 1(2): 55-72. 1987.


"Parimutuel Betting Markets as Information Aggregation Devices: Experimental Results," by C. Plott, J. Wit and W. Yang, Social Science Working Paper 986, CalTech. 1997.


"Wishes, expectations, and actions: A survey on price formation in election stock markets,"  by R. Forsythe, T. Rietz, and T. Ross, J. Economic Behavior & Organization 39(1): 83-110. 1999.


"Could Gambling Save Science? Encouraging an Honest Consensus," by R. Hanson, Social Epistemology 9 (1): 3-33. 1995.


"Combinatorial Information Market Design," by R. Hanson, Information Systems Frontiers 5 (1):105-117. 2003.


"Inducing Liquidity In Thin Financial Markets Through Combined-Value Trading Mechanisms," by P. Bossaerts, L. Fine, and J. Ledyard, Social Science Working Paper 1095R, CalTech. 2000.


"Effect of the Internet on Financial Markets," by H. Varian, 1998.


"Behavior of Trading Automata in a Computerized Double Auction Markets," by J. Rust, J. Miller, and R. Palmer, In The Double Auction Market: Institutions, Theories, and Evidence, 155-198. 1993.


"An Artificial Stock Market," by R. Palmer, W. Arthur, J. Holland, and B. LeBaron, Artificial Life and Robotics. 1998.


"Betting Boolean-style: A Framework for Trading in Securities Based on Logical Formulas," by L. Fortnow, J. Kilian, D. Pennock, and M. Wellman, NEC Laboratories America Technical Report #2002-L010N. 2002.


"Compact securities markets for Pareto optimal reallocation of risk," by D. Pennock and M. Wellman, UAI 2000: 481-488. 2000.


"NP Markets, or How to Get Everyone else to Solve Your Intractable Problems," by D. Pennock, Workshop on Economic Agents, Models, and Mechanisms at IJCAI 2001: 89-98. 2001.


"Modeling Information Incorporation in Markets with Application to Detecting and Explaining Events," by D. Pennock, S. Debnath, E. Glover, and C. Giles, UAI 2002: 405-413.


"Information Dissemination and Aggregation in Asset Markets with Simple Intelligent Traders," by N. Chan, B. LeBaron, A. Lo, and T. Poggio, Technical Report AIM-1646, MIT. 1998.


"Asset Pricing Under Endogenous Expectations in an Artificial Stock Market," by W. Arthur, J. Holland, B. LeBaron, R. Palmer, and P. Talyer, 1996.



Related Online Resources:


Joan Feigenbaum's DIALM'02 Talk on Distributed Algorithmic Mechanism Design.


Scott Shenker's DIMACS Talk on Foundations of Distributed Mechanism Design.


Christos Papadimitriou's Tutorial on A TCS Introduction to Game Theory and Mathematical Economics.


Yoav Shoham's talk on Combinatorial Auctions.


Yoav Shoham's Survey of Auction Types.


Yoav Shoham's talk on The Auction Space: Beyond Zoology.


Yoav Shoham's talk on Elements of Auction Theory.


Noam Nisan's talk on Rationality as a Paradigm for Internet Computing.


The Spring 2002 rendition of CPSC455/555.


Noam Nisan's Course on CS, Game Theory, and Economics.


David Parkes's Course on Computational Mechanism Design.


Christos Papadimitriou's Course on Algorithmic Aspects of Game Theory.


Homepages: (These web pages contain relevant talks and papers by the following people and their collaborators.)


Aaron Archer    Joan Feigenbaum    Amos Fiat    Andrew Goldberg    Jason Hartline    Noam Nisan    Christos Papadimitriou    David Parkes    David Pennock    Amir Ronen    Tim Roughgarden    Yoav Shoham    Eva Tardos    Moshe Tennenholtz    Vijay Vazirani