Spring 2024 Computer Science 458 Introduction. 1/24/2024
Decision Problem of the Day
You are in the market for a used car. Suppose that the value of a
low-quality used car is $5,000 and the value of a high-quality car is
$12,000. Suppose that you cannot distinguish with certainty the
quality of the used car but you have 65 % information based on the
Carfax that the used car you were willing to buy is of high
quality. How much are you willing to pay for the used car?
You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "slade" poll id.
Canvas Quiz of the Day (need daily password)
Most days, there will be a simple canvas quiz related to the lecture.
You need a password to activate the quiz, which I will provide in class.
These quizzes will count toward your class participation grade.
The quiz is available only during class.
Click for today's quiz.
Also, you will earn class participation points for posting to Discussions (not Ed Discussions.)
I have office hours Mondays and Wednesdays from 2-3 pm, on zoom, id 459 434 2854.
You may address me as "Stephen". You don't have to if you
do not feel comfortable, but I assure you that it is OK with me.
Complete the
online student information sheet.
Yale Information Society Project Free lunch. This week:
Tuesday January 23rd, 12:10pm, SLB 128. Invisible Allies: Algorithmic Discrimination and the Rise of New Collective Harms.
Andrew Miller '18
Thursday January 25th, noon. Baker Hall 405.
Data Property & Digital Sales.
Christina Mulligan.
Guest lecture next Monday, January 29th: Luciano Floridi,
Yale Digital Ethics Center.
We will go out to dinner afterwards at Villa Lulu, 230 College Street.
We will have an in-person lottery in class on Wednesday to select students coming
to dinner. Attendence for guest speakers is mandatory.
Due to a conflict, Professor Floridi is rescheduled for February 19th.
You can begin work on hw 1 There was a gradescope issue. John fixed it.
For the next class and the coming weeks:
Give an example of an explanation you thought interesting because it was especially good or bad. It can be personal or from the news.
Use the
Discussions section of canvas (not Ed Discussion).
You earn a quiz point by posting to Discussions.
Truth is more complicated that the logicians would have you believe.
Quotes about Truth
What is a correct decision? See
A Realistic Model of Rationality. This short paper provides a high-level introduction to the
topics we will discuss in this course: goals, plans, resources,
relationships, goal adoption, explanations, subjective decisions,
emotions, advice, and persuasion. We contrast it with the standard economic decision theory.
We want to develop a theory
that can be implemented in a computer program.
Economic Decision Theory