Spring 2024 Computer Science 458. 2/14/2024


Canvas Quiz of the Day (need daily password)

Most days, there will be a simple canvas quiz related to the lecture. You need a password to activate the quiz, which I will provide in class. These quizzes will count toward your class participation grade. The quiz is available only during class.

Click for today's quiz.

Also, you will earn class participation points for posting to Discussions (not Ed Discussions.)


  • I have office hours Mondays and Wednesdays from 2-3 pm, on zoom, id 459 434 2854.

  • Complete the online student information sheet. Note: the previous form was not working. Please submit again. Thanks.

  • Yale Information Society Project Free lunch.
    Thursday, February 15, 2024 - 12:00PM-1:30PM - Baker Hall 405

    Leveraging Procedural Justice to Shape Online Norms and Rule Following

    Matt Katsaros, Director of the Social Media Governance Initiative within the Justice Collaboratory

    Caroline Nobo, Executive Director of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School

    Tom Tyler, Macklin Fleming Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology at Yale Law School

    Online platforms of all sizes spend considerable resources towards content moderation apparatuses aimed at enforcing rules and decreasing unwanted antisocial interactions. Five years ago, the Justice Collaboratory began the Social Media Governance Initiative to understand how we can translate the theories and ideas developed over decades in the criminal-legal arena on building trust and legitimacy into our online spaces. In this talk, we will share some of our research conducted during this time in collaboration with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor looking at how to build community vitality in our online world by leveraging procedural justice theory and the social sciences more broadly.

    The presentation will be led by Tom Tyler, Caroline Sarnoff, and Matt Katsaros. Tom R. Tyler is the Macklin Fleming Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology at Yale Law School, as well as a Co-Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory. Caroline Nobo is a Research Scholar in Law and Executive Director of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School. Matt Katsaros is a researcher and the Director of the Social Media Governance Initiative within the Justice Collaboratory.


    Assignments: hw 2 is now available.

    Upcoming Guest lecture: Luciano Floridi, Yale Digital Ethics Center: Monday February 19th

    AI Risks and Opportunities

    In an age of digital disruption and uncertainties, it is essential to understand the new challenges facing us and to shape the right strategies. We need to be better at analysing the present and designing the future. This is particularly true in the business of risks and opportunities raised by AI, which is both a crucial element in the development of a fair and sustainable society and one of the most challenging aspects of a fast-paced digital transition.

    Luciano Floridi is the Founding Director of the Digital Ethics Center and Professor in the Cognitive Science Program at Yale University. He is world-renowned as one of the most authoritative voices of contemporary philosophy, the founder of the philosophy of information, and one of the major interpreters of the digital revolution. His most recent books are The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence – Principles, Challenges, and Opportunities (OUP, 2023) and The Green and The Blue – Naive Ideas to Improve Politics in the Digital Age (Wiley, 2023). His more than 300 works about the philosophy of information, digital ethics, the ethics of AI, and the philosophy of technology have been translated into many languages. In 2022 he was made Knight of the Grand Cross OMRI for his foundational work in philosophy.

    We will go out to dinner afterwards at Villa Lulu, 230 College Street. We will have an in-person lottery in class on Wednesday to select students coming to dinner.

    Upcoming Guest lecture: Duke Dukellis, Google: Wednesday February 21st


    This lecture will be virtual, probably over zoom. Alas, there will be no dinner.

    AI and Intentionality: The Chinese Room

    See Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence John Searle, talk at Google. See 9 minutes in for discussion of cognitive science and Sloan talks at Yale.

    See Minds, brains, and programs John R. Searle, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1980).

    The Yale AI Project: Cognitive Modelling

    See The Yale Artificial Intelligence Project: A Brief History Stephen Slade, AI Magazine, 1987.

    See Conceptual Dependency and Its Descendants Steven Lytinen, 1992.

    The Realm of Decisions

    For the next class and the coming weeks: Give an example of an explanation you thought interesting because it was especially good or bad. It can be personal or from the news. Use the Discussions section of canvas (not Ed Discussion). You earn a quiz point by posting to Discussions.
  • What is a correct decision? See A Realistic Model of Rationality. This short paper provides a high-level introduction to the topics we will discuss in this course: goals, plans, resources, relationships, goal adoption, explanations, subjective decisions, emotions, advice, and persuasion. We contrast it with the standard economic decision theory. We want to develop a theory that can be implemented in a computer program.
