Also, you will earn class participation points for posting to Discussions (not Ed Discussions.)
End-to-end tutorials:
Data Wrangler:
Contact Eren:,
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Software game developer who tried hw2 and changed his life.
You are all invited to connect with me in LinkedIn.
Is there a benefit?
Yale Final Final Exam
I was Yale Class of 1974. This year is my 50th reunion. My
classmates include Harvard Professor and PBS host Henry Louis Gates
Jr., Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, the Nobel Laureate economist Paul
Klugman, and the actor Harry Hamlin. My class is conducting a survey
to discuss at reunion. In fifty years or so, you may encounter the
following exam:
- Tell us a favorite memory of your time at Yale. What is the story
belhind it?
- Which professor, course, or campus leader most influenced you at
Yale? Is there a particular moment or incident you can tell us about?
- What's the dumbest thing you did at Yale? Tell us that story.
- Tell us how political issues affected your Yale experience. Do
you remember a specific incident? How do you think back on that time
- What role did sex and sexuality play in your life at Yale? Can
you recall a specific incident that illustrates your experience? How
has your thinking evolved in the years since?
- Tell us about a song, movie, book or work of art that triggers a strong memory of your college days. What was happening at the time? Is there a picture you can share?
- What was the most amazing, impactful or unexpected discovery you made at Yale (or because of Yale)?
- Tell us about a specific moment in your extracurricular life at Yale that still resonates all these years later. Can you send us a picture of something related to that activity?
- Did we build a better world?
- Value of my Yale education
- Show and tell (something I've created)
- Carpe Diem
You have 50 years to prepare - or maybe just your remaining time at Yale.
CACM History of AI
See Hanlon's
Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately
explained by stupidity. Alternatively, "Do not invoke conspiracy as
explanation when ignorance and incompetence will suffice, as
conspiracy implies intelligence."
It is as if medical researchers promised eternal life, but fell short,
and merely cured cancer. Is that a problem? The military had much lower
The Yale AI Project: Cognitive Modelling
The Future of Artificial Intelligence Schank and Slade, 1991.
See The Yale Artificial Intelligence Project: A Brief History
Stephen Slade, AI Magazine, 1987.
See Conceptual Dependency and Its Descendants
Steven Lytinen, 1992.
- Conceptual Dependency (CD) (slides)
- MARGIE: parse English into CD, infer other concepts, generate
natural languge (English and German, later Chinese)
- Task Orientation
- Psychological process model
- Canonical representation of knowledge
- Translation, synonomy, paraphrase
- Inference
- Ambiguity
- Scripts, plans, goals and understanding (the book Searle read)
- Scripts: SAM, FRUMP
One day Joe Bear was hungry. He asked his friend Irving Bird where
some honey was. Irving told him there was a beehive in the oak
tree. Joe threatened to hit Irving if he didn’t tell him where some
honey was.
One day Joe Bear was hungry. He asked his friend Irving Bird where
some honey was. Irving told him there was a beehive in the oak
tree. Joe walked to the oak tree. He ate the beehive.
- Learning, memory, and explantion
- Memory Organization Packets (MOPS)
- Bower, Black, and Turner
- Case-based systems (later topic)
Goal-based Decision Making: VOTE
See Amazon Talk.pdf Goal-based Decision-Making: An Interpersonal Model.
See also
Goal-based Decision Making. Stephen Slade.
Hardcover: 304 pages.
Publisher: Psychology Press (October 1, 1993).
It is also available at the Yale Bookstore.
Online copy through Yale library
Online copy of thesis from which book was derived at Yale Library
See Running VOTE on the zoo.
Check out sarcastic-explanation
Re goal hierarchy: Taylor
Swift Fan Admits She Considered Skipping Kidney Transplant for Eras
Tour Concert
Rule-based Expert Systems
The General Problem Solver. Separated knowledge from process. Means-ends
analysis. See Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming, Chapter 4.
Expert systems - an overview. The rules help provide an explanation.
See ExpertSystems.html MYCIN and friends.
Truth maintenance Systems
Case-based Systems
Case-Based Reasoning: A Research Paradigm Slade, 1990.
The Realm of Decisions
For the next class and the coming weeks:
Give an example of an explanation you thought interesting because it was especially good or bad. It can be personal or from the news.
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