Spring 2024 Computer Science 458. 3/27/2024


Canvas Quiz of the Day (need daily password)

Most days, there will be a simple canvas quiz related to the lecture. You need a password to activate the quiz, which I will provide in class. These quizzes will count toward your class participation grade. The quiz is available only during class.

Click for today's quiz.

Also, you will earn class participation points for posting to Discussions (not Ed Discussions.)


  • I have office hours Mondays and Wednesdays from 2-3 pm, on zoom, id 459 434 2854.

  • Complete the online student information sheet. Note: the previous form was not working. Please submit again. Thanks.


    Assignments. The paper is now available. It is due April 1st (how appropriate). You should avoid writing about things I already know. Be original. Have your own ideas. I don't want you give me back my own marbles.

    If you work on the AI and Ethics question, I suggest you read Professor Floridi's book: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence – Principles, Challenges, and Opportunities (Oxford University Press, 2023), available online from the library.

    The project and hw3 are also available. Note: do not use machine learning for hw3.

    Upcoming Guest lecture: Richard Apostolik, Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), Monday April 1st

    Richard Apostolik has led the world’s premiere association for risk professionals for 14 years. Previously with Bankers Trust’s (Deutsche Bank) strategic ventures group, Apostolik developed financial risk management initiatives designed to provide credit risk mitigation and management services to financial service companies. He also served as JPMorgan & Co.’s global head of energy brokerage activities and Chief Operating Officer of its global listed product businesses. He ran his own consulting firm and was responsible for the start-up of SG Warburg & Co.’s North American futures and options business. He was an attorney with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, practiced law with a private law firm in Chicago, and was the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s house counsel. Apostolik holds a BSBA, MBA, and JD from the University of Dayton.

    Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)

    We will have dinner at 6pm at Villa Lulu. We will have a lottery in class for students.

    Rule-based Expert Systems

    GPS: The General Problem Solver. Separated knowledge from process. Means-ends analysis. See Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming, Chapter 4.

    Expert systems - an overview. The rules help provide an explanation.

    See ExpertSystems.html MYCIN and friends.


    Truth maintenance Systems

    Case-based Systems

    Case-Based Reasoning: A Research Paradigm Slade, 1990.


    The Realm of Decisions

    For the next class and the coming weeks: Give an example of an explanation you thought interesting because it was especially good or bad. It can be personal or from the news. Use the Discussions section of canvas (not Ed Discussion). You earn a quiz point by posting to Discussions.
  • What is a correct decision? See A Realistic Model of Rationality. This short paper provides a high-level introduction to the topics we will discuss in this course: goals, plans, resources, relationships, goal adoption, explanations, subjective decisions, emotions, advice, and persuasion. We contrast it with the standard economic decision theory. We want to develop a theory that can be implemented in a computer program.
