CS 458: Qualitative Arithmetic

See paper: An Intentional Arithmetic for Qualitative Decision Making 1995.


Prescriptive decision analysis is a quantitative exercise. Options are assigned weights and probabilities to calculate an expected value. However, we view decision making as a qualitative process. Instead of converting qualitative features into numbers, we advocate converting numbers into qualitative features.

As part of a larger effort to develop a decision simulation system [Slade et al. 1995], we are motivated to provide a principled means for automated, qualitative analysis.

Following the artificial intelligence tradition of qualitative physics, we have developed an intentional arithmetic for interpreting quantitative data in a qualitative manner. Unlike the physical world, intentional domains require the analysis of the underlying goals of the decision maker. These goals, and their relative importance, provide a useful device for interpreting otherwise ambiguous data.

In the next section, we discuss the background work in qualitative reasonsing and its relevance for decision making. We then describe our proposed intentional arithmetic for qualitative decision making.

Qualitative Reasoning

In physical domains, numbers are descriptive measures of the world. Quantities such as mass, velocity, temperature, and pressure provide objective reference data by which the behavior of physical objects and processes may be analyzed and even predicted.

In intentional domains, such as economics and politics, numbers play a different role. Unlike the physical world, the intentional world is driven by the actions of volitional agents. The earth does not choose to revolve around the sun. It adheres to the laws of planetary motion.

However, the stock market goes up if more traders decide to buy than sell. The House of Representatives gets a republican majority if more voters decide to elect republicans than democrats. Numbers in the intentional world are driven by decisions.

Decision making is a process. Decision making is not an equation. Nevertheless, process models of decision making often require the qualitative interpretation of quantitative data.

Goal-based reasoning in general and the VOTE program in particular provide a paradigm for reasoning about decisions based on goals and relationships [Slade 1994]. We have contrasted VOTE with the traditional quantitative model of decision analysis, pointing out that decision analysis often relies on the specification of probability or payoff numbers that may not in fact be known. A qualitative, goal-based analysis may often be more realistic than the comparable quantitative analysis.

However, there are still many situations, particularly in business, in which it is not merely traditional, but advisable to take the numbers into account. Business decisions are full of quantities such as prices, rates, margins, shares, and volume. A robust business decision making system needs to be able to handle the numbers.

Rather than create a system which has hundreds of special rules for specific situations, we propose an intentional qualitative arithmetic to reason about business data. This effort reflects previous AI work in qualitative physics, which resulted in symbolic models of physical phenomena.

One would expect that such an exact quantitative science as physics would lend itself well to computational modeling, that is, to produce programs that reason about physical phenomena. However, it has turned out to be computationally challenging to create AI programs that actually do physics. AI researchers have developed qualitative theories for reasoning about physics [de Kleer and Brown 1985]. See Qualitative Physics: Past, Present, and Future, Forbus.

There are several motivations for pursuing a qualitative approach.

Thus, in the field of physics for which quantitative reasoning would seem well-suited, AI researchers have discovered compelling reasons for developing qualitative theories. We suggest that a similar argument holds for decision making.

There are both theoretical and practical reasons for pursuing a qualitative model of business decision making. It is possible to have a qualitative analysis of quantitative data, as the work in qualitative physics has demonstrated. In this regard, the key difference between the physical world and the intentional world is the relationship between numbers and goals. In intentional domains, numbers have the additional properties not found in physical domains.

If I have an hour to make a plane connection and my first flight is 5 minutes early: that is good. If my first flight is two hours late: that is bad.

If I can afford to pay \$2,000 for a PC and I find one for \\$1,500, that is a good price. If the PC costs \$3,000, that is a bad price.

In the airplane example, another passenger might have missed the first flight if it had left on time. He believes that it is good for it to be two hours late.

In the PC example, for the seller of the computer, the price of \$3,000 is good and \\$1,500 is bad.

Qualitative Arithmetic

Decision making involves comparing alternatives. VOTE uses simple ordinal values for ranking goals. We observe that good numbers and bad numbers may similarly be compared. Furthermore, we note that in some cases, it is good for a number to be high, and in other cases, we want the number to be low. For example, we want our lifespan to be high and our blood pressure to be low. In sports, we want our baseball score to be high, and our golf score to be low. Table 1 provides examples of business highs and lows.

Table 1. Examples of High and Low Valances
profits overhead
profit margin fixed costs
income variable costs
cash taxes
sales tax rate
market share bad debts
interest earned interest paid
price received price paid
principle long term debt
volume short term debt
accounts receivable accounts payable

A computer program can perform simple decisions based on this type of information. If there is a choice between two high options, the program will select the larger. If the choice is between two low options, the program opts for the smaller.

Furthermore, the program does not require an exhaustive table of all quantities. We can derive the high or low polarity of certain quantities based on the underlying formula. Table 2 provides examples of derived polarities.

Table 2. Examples of Qualitative Arithmetic Formulas
Operands Result Example
high + high high dividends + interest
low + low low rent + taxes
low + low low fixed costs + variable costs
high - low high revenue - overhead
high * high high volume * margin
high / low high miles / gallon
Table 3. Commutative Qualitative Arithmetic
+ or * high low constant
high high ? high
low ? low low
constant high low NA
Table 4. Non-Commutative Qualitative Arithmetic
- or / high low constant
high ? high high
low low ? low
constant low high NA

We note that some of the cases are ambiguous, as denoted by the question marks in Tables 3 and 4. For example, (high * low) or (low / low) could result in either high or low. To resolve these cases, we use the relative importance of the underlying goals.

One application of this technique is to the problem of purchasing a personal computer. The qualitative arithmetic provides a means of converting the quantitative data, such as price, speed, and memory capacity, into qualitative terms comparable to other features, such as type of printer or operating system. We shall discuss this example at the AIS conference, as well as demonstrate current versions of the decision models.

Other considerations

Not every dimension is bivalent - either high or low. Above we wrote that blood pressure should be low, not high. Well, that is not quite right. We don't want blood pressure to be zero. The same applies to temperature - including body, room, and ambient. Thus, instead of high or low, we want a range. An upper and lower bound.

An example of an ambiguous case if price / earnings ratio. Do we want P/E to be high or low? It depends on if we are a buyer or seller. The buyer wants price to be low and earnings to be high, and thus P/E should be low. The seller cares more about the price than the earnings. The seller wants high price and thus a high P/E.