CS 458: Relationships

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class agent:
    '''Class for agents who have friends and goals.'''

    count = 0
    agents = []

    def __init__(self, name):
        ''' Constructor for agent with name.'''
        self.name = name
        self.friends = []
        self.goals = []
        self.adoptedgoals = []
        self.count = agent.count
        agent.count += 1

    def __repr__(self):
        ''' Print out agent so that it can evaluate to itself.'''
        return "agent('{}')".format(self.name)

    def __str__(self):
        '''Return agent as a string.'''
        return "<agent. name: {} ({})>".format(self.name, self.count)

    def add_friend(self, friend):
        '''Add a friend without duplicates.  Also add reciprocal friend.'''
        if not friend in self.friends:

    def add_goal(self, goal):
        '''Add goals (stances) without duplicates.'''
        if not goal in self.goals:

    def pp(self):
        '''Pretty print agent information.'''
        result = "Name:\t" + self.name
        if self.friends:
            result += "\nFriends:\t" + str(self.friends)
        if self.goals:
            result += "\nGoals:\t"+ str(self.goals)
        if self.adoptedgoals:
            result += "\nAdopted: \t" + str(self.adoptedgoals)
        return result

    def adopt_goals(self):
        ''' Go through each friend and add that friend's goals to the adoptedgoals list, without duplication.'''
        for f in self.friends:
            for g in f.goals:
                if not g in self.adoptedgoals:

    def __eq__(self, other):
        ''' Overload == operator.  Are two agents equal by name, goals, and friends? '''
        return self.name == other.name and self.goals == other.goals and self.friends == other.friends

    def copy(self):
        ''' Clone the agent, including name, goals, and friends. '''
        newagent = agent(self.name)
        newagent.goals = self.goals[:]
        newagent.friends = self.friends[:]
        return newagent

    def agreewith(self, other):
        ''' Return sorted list of stances on which the agents agree, except for importance.
        No Duplicates. '''
        result = []
        selfgoals = list(set(self.goals + self.adoptedgoals))
        othergoals = list(set(other.goals + other.adoptedgoals))
        for g in selfgoals:
            for og in othergoals:
                if g == og:
        return sorted(result)

    def disagreewith(self, other):
        ''' Return sorted list of stances on which agents disagree, except for importance.
        No Duplicates. '''
        result = []
        selfgoals = list(set(self.goals + self.adoptedgoals))
        othergoals = list(set(other.goals + other.adoptedgoals))
        for g in selfgoals:
            for og in othergoals:
                if g != og:
        return sorted(result)
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