Message-ID: <1911694.1075840055492.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 14:53:01 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: Important! DART product Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Chang, Fran X-To: Crandall, Sean X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \ExMerge - Crandall, Sean\Inbox X-Origin: CRANDELL-S X-FileName: Sean: Torrey Moorer in EOL IT group has created the Mid-C DART product on EOL. In the future when a trade is done on EOL, it will be bridged into Enpower Deal Entry. However, although the "DART flag" will be on in deal entry, I believe for now it's informational only, and it's not doing anything to alert the schedulers. I would like to know the rationale for creating this DART product and how you would like the schedulers in Day Ahead group (Cara's group) and Real Time (Bill's group) to see in their applications. If I can get this info from you, I'll work with Enpower IT to put all necessary DART processes in place. Thanks, Fran Chang West Power Risk Management 503.464.7973 (phone) 503.464.3740 (fax)