Message-ID: <22211211.1075854477980.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 02:49:00 -0700 (PDT) From: To: Subject: Great words Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: David W Delainey X-To: Michael Moulton X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \David_Delainey_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Sent X-Origin: Delainey-D X-FileName: ddelain.nsf Mike, I forwarded your interest to Whalley, McConnel and McMahon. Any=20 technology effort really should be lead by NetWorks. This is consistent wi= th=20 Skillings strategy and what has been communicated to the analysts. You=20 should receive a call from one of these gentlemen. Regards Delainey ---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 05/17/2000= =20 09:46 AM --------------------------- =20 =09 =09 =09From: Michael Moulton @ ENRON 05/15/2000 07:5= 1 AM =09 To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: =20 Subject: Great words David, =20 I hope all is well. I had another good week at pulp and paper. As you kno= w=20 I have an affinity for technology trading. I thought you would enjoy the= =20 fine words below as you start a new week. =20 Time is your most precious possession-and the hands of time move swiftly=20 onward. Fasten this warning deep into your mind, not for sorrow=01,s sake,= but=20 to remind yourself that today may be all you have. Now is the time for you= =20 to move forward. Now is the time for you to stand and be counted. The grou= nd=20 is now ready for you to plant the seeds of a new vision, one that will bear= =20 only the finest fruit. It is time to focus on what you want, to turn dream= s=20 into realities so that you are able to spend your life in the manner in whi= ch=20 you desire. It is later than you think. Too many of us waste our years= =20 waiting for better times in the future or reflecting upon better times in t= he=20 past, instead of working for better times in the present. --------------- = If=20 only we had better schooling, better opportunities, or better resources.=20 If,if,if! Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow! =20 ------------------------------------- Today is always here; yesterday is gone; and tomorrow never comes. Time=20 offers opportunity but demands a sense of urgency. Now is the time. This = is=20 the place. You are the one! Those who leave a legacy of achievement master the art of living in the now= -=20 the ability to make each moment count. Here are their tips. ? First, they accept each moment as a gift to be received with joy. ? Second, they use each moment to maximum advantage. ? Third, they are bent on making a contribution to humanity. ? Fourth, they learn from their mistakes. ? Fifth, they concentrate on the task at hand. ? Sixth, they plan for the future rather than fretting over the past. ? Seventh, they simply refuse to allow the weight of an unpleasant=20 circumstance to encumber their thoughts or objectives. = =20 Dennis P. Kimbroa I think technology is made up of a number of tradable commodities. These= =20 commodities are volatile and trading them will add value to ENA. I would= =20 like the opportunity to create this group. Best wishes, M. A. Moulton=20