Message-ID: <14394370.1075853802467.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 06:19:00 -0700 (PDT) From: To:,,, Subject: Re: National Fuel Says They Are Pathed Model Type Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Chris Germany X-To: Beverly Beaty, Richard Pinion, Marlene Hilliard, Victoria Versen X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Chris_Germany_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Sent X-Origin: Germany-C X-FileName: cgerman.nsf I think everything is OK now. I set up deals 260724 (k#B00693026471), 260689 (k# F01978) and deal 260712 (k#I00454). I changed the end date for deal 235701 (also k#B00693026471 - unpathed) to 4/30/00 and it still shows up in Unify for May. Beavy, make sure you use the B*** k# with an MDQ of 9005 when you path May. ---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 01:01 PM --------------------------- Richard Pinion 05/04/2000 08:12 AM To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT@ect cc: Beverly Beaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diane E Niestrath/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sylvia A Campos/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: National Fuel Says They Are Pathed Model Type I was under the impression that the new services were set up by Sylvia. She had discussed this several times with me in the last two weeks. You should only have to set up new deal tickets with the new service effective 5-1-00 and end the old tickets 4-30-00. The new service types should be as the below example - The new service type is no longer "Transportation", it is now "Transportation-Pathed" for K# B00693026471. RP Chris Germany 05/04/2000 07:36 AM To: Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT@ect, Richard Pinion/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Beverly Beaty/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: National Fuel Says They Are Pathed Model Type What do I need to do? Should I end the exitsting contracts effective 4/30/00 and create new ones effective 5/1/00? Does Marlene need to create a new type of FT rate service to make these contracts appear different ( maybe that has already been done)? Marlene Hilliard 05/03/2000 05:01 PM To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Pinion/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: National Fuel Says They Are Pathed Model Type I was not aware ot the Sonat Style. In that case, an IT request is not necessary. Marlene Hilliard ---------------------- Forwarded by Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT on 05/03/2000 04:58 PM --------------------------- Richard Pinion 05/03/2000 04:48 PM To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Beverly Beaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT@ect, Diane E Niestrath/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna Greif/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: National Fuel Says They Are Pathed Model Type I have been speaking with Sylvia Campos on this. Originally they wanted to do this via IT request which I thought would cause some problems. Since then they changed their minds and decided to so it Sonat style and merely create a different service type (so as not to change historically). To my recollection that is the way that they were going and supposedly it was cleared with Connie Sutton. So this reversal does somewhat surprise me. RP Chris Germany 05/03/2000 02:36 PM To: Richard Pinion/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT@ect cc: Beverly Beaty/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: National Fuel Says They Are Pathed Model Type Richard, according to Marlene, she needs to put in an IT request to change the National Fuel contracts from non-pathed to pathed. Does this sound correct to you? Please let me know. chris ---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 05/03/2000 02:28 PM --------------------------- From: Beverly Beaty 05/03/2000 02:14 PM To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: National Fuel Says They Are Pathed Model Type Per our conversation.... Bev ---------------------- Forwarded by Beverly Beaty/HOU/ECT on 05/03/2000 02:14 PM --------------------------- Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: Donna Greif 04/21/2000 12:44 PM To: Richard Pinion/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Beverly Beaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diane E Niestrath/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: National Fuel Says They Are Pathed Model Type Richard, I trust you're on top of this.....let me know if you'd like my help! Thanks! dg From: Diane E Niestrath on 04/19/2000 06:23 PM To: Donna Greif/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Pinion/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Dave Nommensen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Beverly Beaty/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: National Fuel Says They Are Pathed Model Type DG & RP, National Fuel says they are 100% using the GISB pathed model type. Our Unify noms are non-pathed. 1) Can you look at the National Fuel invoice and verify that the accounting area will still work effortlessly if we change Unify to pathed. 2) If we elect to change Unify's model type to pathed, let's do it just like we did Southern Natural. And, I would like this done for May 1 noms in production and have the Scheduler (Beverly?) path in this new model type manner. We are suppose to be getting scheduled quantities in production starting tomorrow, unless ECOM prevents it, so you'll be able to see what the pipe expects in the pathed model type. 3) If we elect to NOT change Unify's model type to pathed, I guess we can't ever edi this pipe unless I can figure out some clever way to join up the noms. Beverly, Do you think it would be a problem to start entering the upstream k's and downstream k's when you path in Unify. The pipe told me this is mandatory data unless the nom is involved in the Appalachian area. If it is a problem, don't do, I don't want to slow you down since you have to enter the data twice today. If and when we do edi, we'll need the up/down k's entered at that time. Thanks, Diane x3-9931 ============================================================================== ======================= Email excerpt between Diane (in magenta) and Chris Zachary in IT Dptmt at National Fuel Gas Supply Corp (in blue) ===> >> 3) Please confirm that your model type is always "P" pathed from noms all the >> way down to invoices. Our model type is always "P" for pathed.