Message-ID: <15219630.1075853649231.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:52:00 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: AW: We thought we were in Houston last Sat... Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: (Heizungsbau Armin Scharnberger) X-To: X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Scott_Hendrickson_Nov2001\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: Hendrickson-S X-FileName: Copy of shendri.nsf No, I can't say that Argentine beef is better than American, but it IS better than German (they just can't grow OR cut a cow right over here)! Yeah, I used ChemLawn on my house in Copperfield, and they said once it's dry it's fine for the dogs, and I did have a really nice yard...but I think that was after I stopped them and started using Rob Townsend...anyway my garten now SUCKS! It'S FULL OF CRAPP, lumber, building stuff and a huge crane that just won't go away!!! You really would like the movie we saw, maybe it will come there with untertitel in English, but you would understand it in's about an Experiment that was done, I think at the Univ of Cal. They took 20 people, made 10 prisoners and 10 their reality they had to stop the experiment after 7 days because things were getting out of the movie they carried it on was great! Very intense, very blooooody in the end! I can't BELIEVE that you stayed home for St Patty's! I watched a documentary on Ireland and St Patty's and now I understand why it's a bigger celebration outside of Ireland than in Ireland. I have a great new channel on my satellite, the English Travel channel...IT'S GREAT! They have all kinds of shows on countries all over the world, AND IT'S IN ENGLISH!!! That's terrible that someone tried to pull up your plant, do you remember that they stole a clay pot of dirt from me over there, incredible! No, here we don't have that trouble...YET! Maybe in 15 - 20 years it will come. I hope not. I have such nice plants in pots outside the office and really pretty garten art in it, it would be gone in a second in Montrose! So what#S Happenning in NEw York for you and Julie??? I still haven't been able to do my taxes because of WELLSFARGO!!! They have my mortgage now and I CANNOT get my 1098 from them, I have written them, faxed them, emailed them and finally today telephoned them...I WAS ON HOLD FOR A REP FOR OVER 15 MINUTES!!! I chewed her ass out when she finally got on the phone and the bitch said she wasn't allowed to FAX IT TO ME! I told her she would not only fax me my interest for 2000 BUT ALSO THE PAYOFF, because I would not have a mortgage at such a piece of ")o($/ company as theirs....I did'nt mention that I had sold the house. Everything is on track for the sale, we close on May 4th and I GET MY MONEY...HONEY!!!! Well it's late and I want to go home...take care..connie