Message-ID: <9339198.1075857692178.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 10:44:52 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: FW: EBS Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Lavorato, John X-To: Romano, Marcello X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \jlavora\Sent Items X-Origin: Lavorado-J X-FileName: jlavora.pst -----Original Message----- From: "Eylard Wurpel" @ENRON [] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 12:02 PM To: Lavorato, John Subject: EBS Dear John, You do not know me, but I got your contact details from Bruce Angus who I know from Kellogg as we both graduated in 1994. The reason for this email is that I am very interested in working in a management or business development position at Enron Broadband Services in London. At the moment a headhunter is supposedly setting up an appointment with Enron for me, but I believe it would be extremely useful to approach you as well to speed up the process. Therefore I would really appreciate it if you could forward my details to one of your colleagues in the US or the UK. For your information please note that if you have a look at my CV, you will see that my last two jobs were quite short. When I joined eos internet ventures I knew I was taking a substantial risk, but believed there was an opportunity due to the strong management, but unfortunately we were not able to raise 2nd round funding. United Internet AG is a German publicly traded company with 3000 employees and revenues of Euro 200 million. The Board decided to change the international strategy during my first month of employment and offered me the temporary job (but minimum of 9 months) of Head of Investor Relations for United Internet AG in Germany. I declined as I was hired as MD in the UK and not Head of IR in Germany. In addition, I am (still) happily married so I didn't want to travel between the 2 countries for such a long time. Anyway, it would be fantastic if you could help me in any way and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or let me know if and when I can contact you. Best wishes, Eylard Wurpel P +44 (0)20 7244 8978 F +44 (0)20 7460 3139 M +44 (0)7979 368 960 E - CV Eylard Wurpel.doc