Message-ID: <1879919.1075844086776.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 11:52:00 -0700 (PDT) From: To: Subject: We want to check your pulse Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: ETS General Announcement X-To: The Pulse-ETS X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Michelle_Lokay_Dec2000_June2001_1\Notes Folders\Enron t&s X-Origin: LOKAY-M X-FileName: mlokay.nsf Once again, it's time to find out what you think about your work experience= =20 at Enron and Enron Transportation Services Company, and what we can do to= =20 help make it better. That's why we want to check your pulse. In fact, we'= ve=20 changed the name of last year's "Excellence Through Communication" employee= =20 survey to The Pulse. We believe The Pulse more accurately captures the=20 purpose of the survey. Your diagnosis will help us correct problem areas s= o=20 we can continue to make Enron a great place to work. Is available: Monday, Oct. 16 - Friday, Oct. 27 Is located at: There are a few things we want you to remember about The Pulse: 1. Your survey responses will be confidential. You can complete your surve= y=20 from special computer kiosks that will be set up in some of our larger=20 offices. Several group computer terminals also will be available in smalle= r=20 field offices. We want to provide you with the most comfortable environment= =20 possible, as your participation is of vital importance to us. Alternatively= ,=20 you can key in your responses from your desktop computer. The responses key= ed=20 from your desktop will be confidential as well. 2. We will respond actively to your comments. We are going to do our best = to=20 cure some of the current problems that exist and put into action preventati= ve=20 processes that will help identify smaller problems before they become major= =20 ones. We may ask for your help in resolving some of the issues that are=20 collected in the survey - your active role will help us identify the best= =20 solutions. In last year's survey, you identified several problem areas regarding=20 internal communications, workload and performance management. We've already= =20 acted on many of your recommendations. These are a few of the things we've= =20 accomplished in direct response to your input: =01 ETS strengthened management focus on intellectual capital and employee= =20 through the initiation of: =01 Table Talk sessions with ETS Office of the Chairman, which give employ= ees=20 the opportunity to have frontline discussions, =01 The "Innovation Series," which invites employees to share their ideas= =20 openly and ensures management commitment to evaluating ideas, =01 E-Speak sessions with ETS leaders to exchange ideas, and =01 Our name change to Enron Transportation Services to recognize our most= =20 strategic asset - you. =01 We made workload planning and management training/development availabl= e to=20 ETS employees to address workload issues, the greatest ETS concern in the= =20 survey. =01 We improved the consistency of performance management, the survey topi= c=20 that received the most employee comments, by extending the use of the=20 Performance Evaluation Process (PEP) system and the Performance Review=20 Committee (PRC) process to all levels in ETS at mid-year in 2000. Please take a few minutes to check your pulse and tell us what you think an= d=20 how you feel about your job and about Enron. We look forward to hearing from you