Message-ID: <30015933.1075858661413.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:44:38 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: FORWARD PRICE VIEWS FOR COMPETITIVE ENERGY MARKETS Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: X-To: X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \RRING (Non-Privileged)\Inbox X-Origin: Ring-R X-FileName: RRING (Non-Privileged)1.pst Link to [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = Forward Price Views for Competitive Energy Markets [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] Dear Jubran, Recognizing the pronounced volatility and uncert= ainty in the energy industry, ZE PowerGroup has developed processes and t= ools to facilitate dynamic trading and risk management. One of the foremos= t tools required for competitive operation is the availability of represen= tative forward natural gas and power views for the various market hubs. = Given that generation resource development, price behavior and industry re= sponsiveness has been significantly outside of historic norms established = during the extended period of regulation, and given recent world events ha= ve resulted in greater uncertainty in the economy it is critical that an o= rganization be able to probabilistically predict future prices, with some = degree of accuracy. The market is always asking itself questions like: S= hould I commit to a deal now or wait? For how much and for how long should= I commit? What is the impact of this transaction on my portfolio? How do m= arket events impact near, mid and long term pricing? How long will the pric= e remain at the current level? A forward view is a prerequisite to manage = and optimize on an energy portfolio in competitive markets. ZE PowerGroup = provides short, mid and long-term Forward Price Views. The Forward Price V= iews are developed using sophisticated, top-down market simulation models = that are readily customizable and adaptable in size and scope to any regi= on in North America. The Forward Price Models have been designed using the= key drivers and fundamental parameters of the natural gas and electrical = power industries in combination with econometric techniques and expert jud= gment. The value of the model is in its ability to extract and quantify th= e expert judgment. The difference between the ZE PowerGroup Forward Price = Model and other models is that of a top-down market simulation versus bott= om-up generation modeling. The bottom-up generation model does not always = account for market behavior and assumes that generation is predominantly = economically. These modes make little or no allowance for market power, in= efficiencies, gaming or other operational or unique market factors. ZE Po= werGroup developed their first price views in 1996. The Forward Price Mode= l has performed well as a guiding tool; the views created from the models = have consistently predicted the direction of price movement in the markets= . It was one of the few models that predicted rapid and consistent price i= ncreases after deregulation when the industry consensus was that prices wo= uld retreat. Clients who have incorporated the price views into their stra= tegic planning have reaped significant benefits and mitigated price risks;= fairing better than their counterparts. The Forward Price Model can be c= oupled with the Market Monitoring subscription, which adds value through t= argeted intelligence required to optimize positioning in uncertain and vol= atile markets. ZE PowerGroup strives to provide timely and required intell= igence at reasonable cost. For more information on ZE PowerGroup's Forwar= d Price Views or on subscribing to a monthly market monitoring service, pl= ease visit our web page at , contact us by email at m or by phone at 604-244-1469. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] Link to [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] You received this newsletter because your email address is on our mail= ing list. We hope you find our mailings useful. However, if you'd like you= r name taken off the mailing list, you can do so by replying to this email= with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. =09