Message-ID: <852331.1075861133026.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 04:09:33 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: Fwd: RE: Whistler!!! Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: "Susan Scott" @ENRON X-To: X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Susan_Scott_Mar2002\Scott, Susan M.\Inbox X-Origin: Scott-S X-FileName: sscott5 (Non-Privileged).pst >From: "Bonnie Lathram" >To: "Susan Scott" >Subject: RE: Whistler!!! >Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:25:32 -0800 > >i do hope you can come with us. how fun that you have been down in utah... >sounds great > >of course you could stay with me on the friday night. that would be perfect >must tell you though, that there is a bit of change in plans. sam and ali >(in order to make the trip somewhat cheaper) have also invited a couple of >guys that they know to stay with us as well... im fine with it because i >say the more the merrier but it could be kind of crowded. of course the >guys will be on the floor with their sleeping bags and the girls will have >the beds, but still, i guess this would have to be something you are >comfortable with... i really don't think we'd have to even hang out with >the guys much... we could (and i plan on) totally doing my own thing... > >ali and sam are both really cool. they are partiers, and very fun, but also >sweet and very smart. ali graduated from washington state with a degree in >art studies (i think) and studied abroad in denmark for a year. sam is a >school teacher (english, junior high aged kids) and went to college >somewhere in california, where they are both from... they are cool and i >think you would get along great with them, and they with you (of course) > >it would be great if you could coincide your trip with another one to have >a few interviews up here :) > >hope you can find a cheap flight and let me know how the job search is >going. > >take care >bonnie >ps i did hear about the suicide of one of the top execs. so incredibly sad. >what a messy business. i saw ken lays' wife interviewed. she maintains her >husband is ENTIRELY innocent and had nothing to do with the fall, etc. what >do you make of that? it was very interesting. >oh my date with the memphis guy was good. very interesting. he was really >cute and we kissed at the end of the night. it was fun. he was funny. would >definitely go out with him again if he asked, but we are also pretty >different people (for instance, he never drinks) > >-----Original Message----- >From: Susan Scott [] >Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 7:15 PM >To: Bonnie Lathram >Subject: Whistler!!! > > >hey bonnie, > >you must have read my mind...i was actually thinking about you and seattle >and how i need to get myself up there. i'm using this email b/c i'm >actually in Utah right now visiting my friend monique and for some reason >this computer won't let me send things from my other address. anyway, i >flew in today and will be here through tuesday (at least!). it's >absolutely >beautiful! right now i'm hanging at the internet cafe until monique gets >off >work and then we're going to grab some food and maybe go out for a >bit...supposedly it's "Australia Day" here (i think it's an informal >holiday), so you know tonight will be fun w/ all the aussies around here >painting the town red. > >the whistler trip sounds awesome. i will definitely do some research and >see what kind of fares i can find to get myself up there. a huge part of >me >is still feeling this intense draw to move to the emerald city. hopefully >something will pan out that allows that to happen. we shall see. this >last >week at work was so trying...just making the decisions i had to, etc. but, >everyone there has been really cool about it and has offered to help in any >way they can. most of the older married people are encouraging me to just >enjoy myself and have an adventure. > >i'm not sure if you heard the latest news from enron, but one of our former >execs (he resigned/retired in May) committed suicide. it's very sad and >just reconfirms to me that this chapter of my life needs to be closed and >that i need to head on to bigger and better things. it's been entirely too >taxing to deal w/ all the emotions than accompany this type of thing...and >somehow still being a part of the reformed trading organization would only >seem to keep those wounds open for me. > >ok, enough morbid stuff. hope all is well with you. if i remember >correctly, you are supposed to be on your date tonight with the west point >guy. can't wait to here how that went. i will get back to you ASAP about > soon as i've had a chance to look at airfares and my options. >do you think it'd be possible to stay with you friday night if i did end up >coming? that way we could head out bright and early saturday morning. >fortunately, i'm going to get some skiing in up here (or down here in >relation to you)'s been about 3 yrs since the last time i skied. >should prove interesting the first run. but, it may start the ski bug, >which just won't allow me to pass up another chance to hit the slopes. > >talk to you soon, >susan > > > >_________________________________________________________________ >MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: