Message-ID: <3256035.1075851971575.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 11:25:00 -0700 (PDT) From: To:,,, Subject: FW: Good News!! Let's hear it for the 5 mo. delay!! Cc: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: X-From: Paul Kaufman X-To: Richard Shapiro, James D Steffes, Susan M Landwehr, Harry Kingerski X-cc: Robert Neustaedter X-bcc: X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_Nov2001\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: SHAPIRO-R X-FileName: rshapiro.nsf FYI. Oregon's delay will be 5 months. I'll take a look at the other provisions of the bill once it is available in engrossed format. -----Original Message----- From: Finlayson, Cindy Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 2:53 PM To: Lesh, Pamela; Kuns, Doug; DUDLEY, JAY; Barnes, Jim; Piro, Jim; HAGER, PATRICK; Dahlgren, Randy; MILLER, FRED; Vanbossuyt, Dave; wiz.ixgate.Mike Cc: Kaufman, Paul; HQ1.EM2.Scott Simms; wiz.ixgate.klmconsulting Subject: Good News!! Let's hear it for the 5 mo. delay!! Expires After: 11/12/2001 23:00 HB 3633 (mo. delay) was concurred by the House with a 53 yes to 6 no vote!! A huge thanks goes to Rep. Jim Hill who helped us get our 5 mo. delay and has been there for us through out the session. This bill is now on its way to the Gov. office for signature. There is less than .0001% chance that the Gov would veto this bill! So were on!!! We are going to be in Senator Derfler's office first thing tomorrow (Monday) to see when HB 3696 will be scheduled. We will make sure that the -13 amendments are not adopted and the -15 are adopted. At this point were are 85% sure the -13's won't be, we plan on shoring that up in the morning! Pollution Control Tax Credits SB 764 is up today at 4:00 PM for a hearing, so far it looks like we will be fine if the Gov.'s office agrees to the latest deal. Our biggest issue are the Trojan credits and Kristina McNitt covers this issue for PGE, she is less known as a PGE lobbyist than I am.-So far we have been successful in keeping the T-word (Trojan) out of the building this session. We are working closely with the other parties on PCTC vote counts and individual lobbying but when the deal is being cut if PGE shows up there is the possibility that the T word could tube a deal or attract some anti T followers-so we have been very careful and low key on this issue. We are very optimistic about getting what we need even if it is at the eleventh hour!!