Message-ID: <1288262.1075855392862.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 14:04:44 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: Severance Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Susan Mara X-To: Shapiro, Richard X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_Jan2002\Shapiro, Richard\Deleted Items X-Origin: Shapiro-R X-FileName: rshapiro (Non-Privileged).pst Rick, How are you doing? Where is Steve off too? Did he even say goodbye? I'm still perseverating over Enron. I can't help myself. Horrible time to be laid off -- can't talk to be people to find work because everyone is on vacation. I've heard lots of rumors about severance. Has Enron asked or is it planning to ask the BK court for real severance for employees already dumped or is its plan only to seek real severance for those who were kept on after Dec 3? I finally got my expense check deposited. That was welcome. What about all our vendors? Did they get screwed too? All - or some -- do we pay our utility bill but not our $500 bill to the AReM lobbyist? Do we pay Safeway for drinks for the fridge, but not our $3000 retainer to Dan Douglass? This all seems arbitrary, crass and unfair. How can Ken Lay look at himself in the mirror every day knowing how many employees he has harmed? I can understand how the Company cannot control the stock market and the effects of that implosion, but I cannot understand how can the Company can brazenly cut so many people with only a $4500, less taxes, etc., check as so-called severance -- not even paying accrued vacation . I and many others would feel a lot better about the Company if our rights and good will hadn't been trampled on. I haven't been able to look for work much -- no one is around. So, I guess I'm spending too much time thinking about this stuff. Here comes 2002, Thank God! Sue Mara 164 Springdale Way Emerald Hills, CA 94062 Cell: (415) 902-4108 Home: (650) 369-8268