Message-ID: <27889448.1075852022241.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 13:42:00 -0700 (PDT) From: To: Subject: Nailia's opportunity to work more on the trading floor Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Peter Styles X-To: Richard Shapiro X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Richard_Shapiro_Nov2001\Notes Folders\Notes inbox X-Origin: SHAPIRO-R X-FileName: rshapiro.nsf After our discussion at lunch last Thursday, I think I need more advice from you on how to deal with the sort of intervention you can see below!! I tried really hard to cover all the bases on this initiative, nearly all face to face. Then Paul H didn't turn up at the staff meeting on Monday and I get the e-mailed questions you see below (when he could have come to chat to me about it.) I will of course try to smooth over things verbally with Paul, but if this is what happens when I "give up" 30% of the time of a direct report to benefit her career development and the company's biz. priorities, you will understand some frustration on my part at our current arrangements!! ---------------------- Forwarded by Peter Styles/LON/ECT on 17/07/2001 20:37 --------------------------- Peter Styles 17/07/2001 20:19 To: Paul Hennemeyer/Enron@EUEnronXGate @ ENRON cc: Doug Wood/Enron@EUEnronXGate@ENRON, Paul Dawson/Enron@EUEnronXGate@ENRON Subject: Nailia's opportunity to work more on the trading floor I have made no formal request to HR for housing, Paul. As you know, I have agreed with Eric Shaw, Paul Mead, Paul Dawson and Alfredo Huertas that Nailia will spend c. 30% of her time in the next six months working on Italian reg. issues, and that to facilitate that role and to help her get better exposure to commercial teams on EU issues too, she will spend on average three days a week over that period on the trading floor, next to the Italian team. (We announced all of this in the staff meeting yesterday.) Her travel to London tends to be weekly already, and is done on a very reasonable Eurostar youth fare basis. I think the budget question then is simply: Is it more efficient for the company to pay for a hotel room two, three or four nights a week or to allow Nailia to take a cheap flat share? The latter may well work out better, especially taking into account the flexibility it will allow. I am told Tara Rozen has a suggestion. Let's see the comparison; then I agree the four of us should judge together. I'll keep you informed. Give me a call if you have any other concerns about any aspect of the arrangements. Peter. From: Paul Hennemeyer/Enron@EUEnronXGate on 17/07/2001 19:35 To: Peter Styles/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Doug Wood/Enron@EUEnronXGate, Paul Dawson/Enron@EUEnronXGate Subject: Accomodation for Nailia Peter I understand from Sophie Kingsley that a request has been placed with her to secure housing for Nailia in London for a few days each week for the next several months. I have discussed this with Doug and Paul. We would like to discuss this with you to understand the thinking behind this as well as the expense. It seems reasonable in these days of cost cutting that we make these decisions jointly. Thanks Paul