Message-ID: <14137256.1075860047909.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 01:35:00 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: Re: energy exchange in Germany Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: Mark - ECT Legal Taylor X-To: Scott Sefton X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Mark_Taylor _Dec_2000\Notes Folders\Sent X-Origin: Taylor-M X-FileName: mtaylor.nsf Just out of curiosity, who is Thomas Geisel? I assume he is an Enron=20 person. Do we already have a lawyer responsible for these issues? I seem = to=20 remember that Robert and Justin were handling the IPE and Martin and Mark= =20 Elliott the NordPool and ELEX issues. It might make sense to have one pers= on=20 be the go-to guy for exchange issues with another designated for each=20 exchange. What do you think? It worries me a little to have only business= =20 people involved - particularly if this is an early stage where we may have= =20 our best hope for effective legal input. Scott Sefton 01/06/99 07:54 AM To: ECT London European Trading cc: =20 Subject: energy exchange in Germany See the note below regarding efforts to create an exchange traded electrici= ty=20 contract in Germany. As you will see, one of the efforts involves NYMEX. ---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Sefton/LON/ECT on 06/01/99 13:50= =20 --------------------------- Thomas Geisel 05/01/99 10:08 To: Jay Fitzgerald/LON/ECT@ECT, Peter Styles/LON/ECT@ECT, Scott=20 Sefton/LON/ECT@ECT, John Thompson/FRA/ECT@ECT, Joe Gold/LON/ECT@ECT, Peter= =20 Kreuzberg/LON/ECT@ECT, Christopher McKey/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT=20 Subject: energy exchange in Germany With regard to the energy exchange projects in Germany the following meetin= gs=20 have been scheduled: 1. Concerning the D_sseldorf project we will meet with Mr. Elberskirch,=20 general manager of the D_sseldorf B"rse, on Tuedsday, Jan. 12, between 9:00= =20 and 12:00 in the morning. Mr. Elbersbusch will be accompanied by two McKins= ey=20 consultants, probably Dres. Hirse and Schrader. They will discuss with us t= he=20 feasibility study that McKinsey will present at the next "B"rsenratsmeeting= "=20 on Jan. 13 (the day following our meeting). As the study has not yet been= =20 finalized Mr Elberskirch will not forward any copies or drafts to us before= =20 the meeting. I have indicated that from our side Jay (possibly), Joe, John,= =20 Chris and myself would participate in the meeting. 2.The initiators of the Hannover project will meet with representatives of= =20 NYMEX on Jan. 12 at 9:30 a.m. in London. According to Mr. Hagena, who is in= =20 charge of the project on behalf of the state government of Lower Saxony,=20 representatives of the "Stromwirtschaft", i.e. of the major electricity=20 companies (in particular Preussen Elektra) will also participate in this=20 meeting. After this meeting, i.e. between 15:00 and 17:00, Mr. Hagena and M= r.=20 Wudy (Commerzbank Frankfurt) would like to meet with us. One of the issues= =20 that will probably be raised is whether Enron would be prepared to become a= =20 shareholder in the exchange company ("Tr,gergesellschaft"); it is planned= =20 that the initial capital contributions of the shareholders (Stammkapital)= =20 will amount to DM 20 Mio.=20 Participants in the meeting on our side would be the same as in the meeting= =20 with the D_sseldorf people. 3. The "consensus talks" on the German energy exchange project are now=20 scheduled for January 26, 1999 in the offices of the Commerzbank in=20 Frankfurt. The meeting will be chaired not by the Minister of Ecomics, Mr.= =20 M_ller, but by Mr. Tacke, who is State Secretary in the Ministry of Economi= cs=20 and who has been Federal Chanceler Schroeder=01%s most important economic= =20 adviser for the last couple of years. Tacke is likely to be a strong=20 supporter of the Hannnover project (he served under Schroeder in Lower=20 Saxony). Invited to the meeting are representatives of the large electricity compani= es=20 (which have supposedly all already accepted the invitation), seven major=20 industrial consumers, natural gas companies (Ruhrgas, Wintershall/Wingas,= =20 BEB), electricity traders (such as VASA and us) and banks (in particular th= e=20 Commerzbank and the Norddeutsche Landesbank). The invitation to Enron will = be=20 addressed to Jay Fitzgerald.=20 TG