Message-ID: <8494577.1075858602227.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 10:43:00 -0700 (PDT) From: legal <> To: Subject: RE: I'm in London Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: Taylor, Mark E (Legal) X-To: 'Eleanor F Taylor @ENRON' X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \MTAYLO1 (Non-Privileged)\Taylor, Mark E (Legal)\Sent Items X-Origin: Taylor-M X-FileName: MTAYLO1 (Non-Privileged).pst It looks like I'll be able to get back on Sunday. I was originally schedul= ed to fly back yesterday (Wednesday) but of course all the flights were can= celled yesterday and today. With luck they'll be back up to full schedules= by Sunday when I have a reservation. I'll let you know if that changes. = =20 It's interesting to hear what your reactions were since they very closely p= arallel my own. I heard as I was coming back into the office after lunch o= n Tuesday and there was a small group standing around a computer screen wat= ching an internet news feed. My first reaction was that it had to be some = kind of elaborate internet hoax and I still have a sense of disbelief. I d= read my next trip to New York when I will have to see the skyline with my o= wn eyes. Linda and Amanda are also stranded here and they tend to spend a = lot of time watching the news. After the first hour or so I just couldn't = bear to watch and preferred to check in now and then for updates. But then= what else was there to do except sit and be stunned. Even today it's stil= l hard to concentrate on much of anything. I guess in a sense I'm lucky th= at I have work matters to keep me busy. Unfortunately, some are directly r= elated to the tragedy. There's no doubt the world changed on Tuesday and t= his will always be with us in some way. All sorts of odd thoughts keep coming to mind. I have wondered several tim= es if Dad remembers when he and I went into one of the towers (it must have= been when they were quite new) and tried to get to the top to see the view= . We were told there was no public observation area so we just took an ele= vator up as far as we could get and got out on a floor that was still under= construction and went over to the windows to marvel at the view. Remember= the view from my apartment in New York? And I was on the QE2 the last tim= e it will ever go past those buildings (forgive the bad grammar but you kno= w what I mean). We're going to try and have as good a time as possible here. I'm working d= uring the days and joining Linda and Amanda for dinner in the evening. Tom= orrow we're going to see a West End musical. Saturday we'll probably go to= a couple of museums. Hope you are keeping well. Love, Mark -----Original Message----- From: =09Eleanor F Taylor @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Ele=]=20 Sent:=09Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:27 PM To:=09Taylor, Mark E (Legal) Subject:=09I'm in London Thank you for your e-mail and phone call! We received both and were really sorry not to be here when you called. I guess we were both at work. When we were watching this tragedy on TV Tuesday, we couldn't remember exactly when you were coming home, so called your office. Holly called us back to say that you were due back Wednesday. That was a relief because we knew you weren't in the air on Tuesday. It just dawned on me this morning that your e-mail was from you usual address so you could probably receive mail in London at that address as well as send. Tim called about 10:45 Tuesday morning to say that they weren't allowing anyone to leave his base so he was stuck there for awhile but Sharon was OK and going home. Either his information was erroneous or the base was opened not long thereafter because he was also allowed to leave and both were home by early afternoon. I was concerned about how long it would take Sharon to drive home because 20 years ago when I was driving home during a storm and all the government offices were closing, it was a zoo. It turned out that Sharon drove right along the river and up Rock Creek Park with hardly any traffic since the streets between hers along the river and the rest of the city were already closed so no streets were emptying into hers. Tim Bunce was in the air on his way to California. They brought his flight down in Dallas and he was planning to drive home from Dallas. Someone at my office told me yesterday that her brother was stuck in Houston and was driving back to Cincinnati! Nick's sixth grade class in Wyoming was told about the situation. I don't know if they let them watch the TV. Janet was oblivious--out doing errands--so there was noone at home. However, Ivan stopped by the house for some reason just when Nick called home. Nick was concerned about you and Tim because he couldn't remember where you live. That really touched me, that he would think of you and that the school let him call home. I called them when Tim called to let us know they were all home safely and that you were in London. At the time this was happening we had no idea where would be struck next. You have probably heard that the FBI now says that the flight that went into the Pentagon was originally going to hit the White House and that the flight that went down over PA undoubtedly was bound for a more populated target. We were watching when the towers collapsed and found it surreal--unbelievable. We watched for some time after that but finally we couldn't stand it. We just had to turn off the TV and do something else. That seemed almost dishonorable though--to look outside on a beautiful sunny, peaceful day here. We were having a primary election for mayor in the city so we went to vote because that was something positive we could accomplish. During the rest of the day we checked the status of the situation regularly, but didn't watch for a prolonged time. It was impossible to concentrate on much of anything. Now I feel that we need to return to normal activities as much as possible to keep our little part of the country running as usual. The terrorists will have done even more damage if we don't. I imagine Enron has people marooned all over the world. At least you have an Enron office where you are. I should think that would be better than being stuck somewhere in Canada, wondering if you should drive home. I hope they are providing you some space where you can accomplish something. I imagine you are keeping the phone lines busy to Houston these days. I just read in the Wall Street Journal this morning that the Y2K plans are paying off for some companies who had alternate plans for communication difficulties and even "bunkers" or alternate offices in place that they are now using. This will surely be a test of our president and his government. I hope they are up to it. Please let us know when you finally get home. Love, Mother ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: