Message-ID: <25822127.1075855409079.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 03:47:12 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: GOPUSA Eagle - December 31, 2001 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Bobby Eberle X-To: X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Stacey_White_Jan2002\White, Stacey W.\Inbox X-Origin: White-S X-FileName: swhite (Non-Privileged).pst ======================================================================== GOPUSA Bringing the conservative message to the Internet GOPUSA Eagle - December 31, 2001 ======================================================================== Inside this issue... * Carol Devine-Molin... President Bush, Visionary Leader * A Look at the Headlines * State News Briefs * Bush Update * Alan Keyes... Teaching the Essentials * Dorothy Anne Seese... Beneath the News Lies the Real Problems * SARTRE... Another New Year, Getting Better All The Time! * Scott Gillette... Ashoka * Kevin Tuma Cartoon... Taxula ======================================================================== President Bush, Visionary Leader By Carol Devine-Molin Since the aftermath of 9/11, President Bush has effectively dispelled any lingering doubts regarding his ability to lead this great nation, especially in light of his overall handling of the profound crisis foisted upon us by the forces of terror. Clearly, Bush's actions on the national security and war fronts have earned him significant backing from the American people, as demonstrated by his approval ratings that have remained in the high 80% bracket. He is well appreciated by the American people, as is his wartime consiglieri, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. But what sets Bush apart as an outstanding leader? Bush is a visionary, a man with a remarkable plan that will significantly safeguard the citizenry over the long haul. He is determined to strategically orchestrate all that must be done in order to guarantee the safety and security of the American people, not just for the immediate future, but for several generations to come. Yes, President Bush and his resolute team have set out to accomplish a monumental mission, which will generate tremendous positive impact. Unlike Clinton, who was primarily focused upon the short-term economy, his own public travails, and excessive attempts to broker an all but impossible deal between the Israelis and Palestinians, Bush understands that his primary responsibility as president is to protect the American people, both at home and abroad, plain and simple. Read more at ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... MRC's 2002 DisHONORS AWARDS Get Your Tickets TODAY! It's what everyone's been waiting for! Announcing the MRC's 2002 DisHONORS AWARDS -- Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of The Year! January 17, 2002 at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center. The MRC's events always sell out in a matter of weeks. Order your tickets today to make sure your spot is saved!!!!!! Click here to find our more information. --> ======================================================================== A Look at the Headlines The front page of the GOPUSA web site is constantly being updated to provide you with the latest news and information. Here are your Monday headlines: GOPUSA Top Story -- India, Pakistan Brace for War The Washington Times * Daschle defends 60-vote majority * High tech in low gear as U.S. economy stalls * Visitors to New York get new look at ground zero * Pro-Lifers Protest In Vitro Fertilization * California Initiative Seeks to End Racial Classifications * Israeli-PA Talks Could Lead To Palestinian State In Two Months * Peru Firework Blaze Kills 240 * Bush: We'll Be in Afghanistan 'a While' * Exclusive: Terror Plot on U.S. Carrier Foiled Fox News * Afghan Peacekeeping Agreement Finalized * Is the War on Terrorism Winnable? * Florida Man Says He Forgot About Loaded Gun When Boarding Flights USA Today * Daschle says White House must start compromising * Argentina's new president resigns after a week * Many Somalis would 'welcome' U.S. attack These headlines and more can be found at ======================================================================== State News Briefs In addition to national news, GOPUSA also brings you the latest news from your state. Click on one of the links below to read the latest state headlines. If your state is not listed, perhaps you'd like to help GOPUSA by being a state editor. To find out more the role of a volunteer state editor, please click here --> Alaska - American Journalism and the Constitution Arizona - Arizona ties to terrorists is state's top 2001 news story Florida - Rosie O'Donnell Stumps for Janet Reno at Fund-Raiser Illinois - Let's have some election surprises New Jersey - A New Jersey quirk: 9 days, 4 governors North Carolina - North Carolina lawmakers bring home $96 million in pork Pennsylvania - Welfare extensions have proper balance - Huh? Washington - Conservative think tank snaps at heels of teachers union Wisconsin - New governor, caucus scandal are top stories ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... "We're a great nation. We're a nation of resolve. We're a nation that can't be cowed by evildoers. I've never had more faith in America than I have right now." -- George W. Bush September 16, 2001 Vist today! ======================================================================== Bush Update Weekly Radio Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Two thousand and one has been a year that Americans will always remember. We suffered great loss, and we found a new unity. We were attacked, and we responded swiftly. We have seen the strength of America in countless acts of kindness, compassion and courage. This year ends with progress on the battlefield and accomplishment at home. The men and women of our military have successfully fought a new kind of war. They applied new tactics and new technology to rout a new kind of enemy. The lessons we learn in Afghanistan will guide our military to the future, and make our country stronger and more secure. On the home front, we're strengthening our defenses against terrorist attack, while upholding our constitutional liberties. Our airways are more secure, and we are standing on alert. Read more at ======================================================================== Teaching the Essentials By Alan Keyes According to the Washington Post, "The start of the war on terrorism proved an unexpected tonic for education reform." The Post cites a White House aide who said, "I think [congressional education negotiators] saw it as a way they could demonstrate to the country that Congress had not been immobilized." Apparently, the nation lives in fear that terrorists will intimidate the people's representatives away from the now rapidly resuming task of federal over-reaching executed in the name of reform. Take heart, oh people! Our politicians will not be dissuaded from expanding state power at the expense of liberty. There are those, of course, who would rank a "mobilized Congress" high on the list of terrorizing sights. Heaven help us when Ted Kennedy partners with "compassionate conservatives" in issuing marching orders for the education bureaucracy to "leave no child behind." War tends to increase national governmental power -- not only in matters directly related to the conflict, but also in vastly broader realms of our common life. In a season of national pride and solidarity, advocates of expanded government power tend to find rich fields offering "targets of opportunity." Education is such a field, and in the legislation passed last week, it has received a direct hit. Read more at ======================================================================== Beneath the News Lies the Real Problems By Dorothy Anne Seese Bombs on airplanes make sensational headlines. The tanking economy doesn't. And that's exactly how we're going to enter the year 2002. We'll be reading about isolated acts of terrorism that would probably dwindle if so much media space weren't given to the whack jobs who try to pull sensational, destructive acts for their own warped egos. The plight of a million or so Americans who lost their jobs this past year (and figures vary as to the exact number) isn't good news for America or for the world. It's the news in small print under the stories about terrorism and the elusive bin Laden, who probably will never be found. Read more at ======================================================================== Another New Year, Getting Better All The Time! By SARTRE The infinite capacity for delusion is the primary result of 'so called' progress. During this holiday season we are constantly reminded about good will to men and how nice the world is. We are told that the next year will be better and that the promise for mankind is bright. Focus is always directed towards the advancement of society. What sells in this world of myth and mirage, is a fairy tale for the faint of heart, for the ending must always lead to happy every after . . . Read more at ======================================================================== Ashoka By Scott Gillette Every holiday I write a column about charitable organizations with the vision and capabilities to solve social and economic problems on a global basis. Last year I wrote about Lifewater International. This year I am pleased to write about Ashoka. The events of 9-11 focused charitable giving on the victims and heroes in the wake of those attacks, and that's the way it should have been. I considered an organization like the September 11th Fund as being a good subject for this column, but everyone is aware of that charity's efforts, while only a few may know about Ashoka. It is important to acknowledge groups like Ashoka that dedicate themselves to solving problems on a permanent basis, with little fanfare. Read more at ======================================================================== Taxula By Kevin Tuma The latest Kevin Tuma cartoon can be found on the GOPUSA web site by clicking on the following link: Archives of Kevin's cartoons can be found at We hope you enjoy the cartoon! Look for more in future issues of the GOPUSA Eagle. ======================================================================== SUBSCRIBE TODAY! LET THE EAGLE LAND ON YOUR DESKTOP Was this e-mail forwarded to you? Would you like to subscribe to it yourself or subscribe a friend? If so, simply and fill out the simple form at ======================================================================== Copyright 2000-2001,, Inc.