Cognitive Models of Decision Making: Running VOTE
The Common LISP version of the VOTE program is alive and well and available on the zoo. (
Here is a transcript of a sample session.
This is a summary of the commands displayed.
- # connect to the VOTE lisp directory
cd /c/cs458/lisp
- # start up lisp, aka, Steel Bank Common Lisp, aka, sbcl
- ;; load the sbcl initialization file, or copy it to ~/.sbclrc
(load "sbclrc.lisp")
- ;; load the vote program
(load "load_vote.lisp")
- ;; initialize the vote databases
- ;; Run the VOTE object-oriented database for members of congress
(dbase member)
- ;; Sample dbase commands:
help / header / hc / display
- ;; connect to issue database and run sample commands
cd issue
- ;; connect to group database and run sample commands
cd group
- ;; connect to bill database and run sample commands
cd bill
- ;; connect to strategy database and run sample commands
cd strategy
- ;; run the vote program on a decision
(vote 'udall 'hr-2978)
- ;; view the decision database
(dbase decision)
- ;; turn on sarcasm
(sarcastic-explanation (car (db-all decision)))