CPSC 461b: Foundations of Cryptography | Notes 12 (rev. 1) | |
Professor M. J. Fischer | February 19, 2009 | |
Lecture Notes 12
Definition: An ensemble X = {Xn}nℕ is pseudorandom if X, U are indistinguishable in polynomial time, where U = {Un}nℕ is the uniform ensemble.
Thus, X is pseudorandom if it “looks” the same to all probabilistic polynomial time algorithms.
Definition: A pseudorandom generator is a deterministic polynomial time function G that satisfies two properties:
We remark that if G is a pseudorandom generator, then G(Un) is not statistically close to Uℓ(n). To see this, let RG = {G(x)∣x {0,1}n} be the range of G. Clearly, |RG|≤ 2n, and for all y ⁄ RG, Pr[G(Un) = y] = 0. On the other hand, for the uniform ensemble, Pr[Uℓ(n) = y] = . Hence, the statistical difference
We now describe how to build a pseudorandom number generator G with polynomial expansion factor starting from a generator G1 with expansion factor ℓ(n) = n + 1.
Fix a polynomial p(n). For s {0,1}n, write the length-(n + 1) string G1(s) as σs′, where |σ| = 1 and |s′| = n. On input s, iteratively define the sequences s0,s1,s2,…,sp(n) and σ1,σ2,…,σp(n) as follows:
The output of G(s) is the sequence σ1σ2…σp(n). G(s) is easily computed in polynomial time by a simple iterative program that calls G1 a total of p(n) times.
Theorem 1 If G1 is pseudorandom, then so is G.
Proof is by a hybrid argument. We let hybrid Hnk consist of k uniform random bits followed by the first p(n) - k bits of G(s0), which we write as G(so):[1,p(n) - k]. In symbols,
Clearly, Hn0 = G(Un) and Hnp(n) = Up(n).
Suppose D distinguishes G(Un) from Up(n) with absolute probability difference δ(n). Then for some k, D distinguishes Hnk from Hnk+1 with absolute probability difference ≥ δ(n)∕p(n).
We now describe an algorithm D′ that attempts to distinguish G1(Un) from Un+1. On length-(n + 1) input α, D′ does the following:
1. | Write α = τ ⋅ α′, where |τ| = 1 and |α′| = n. |
2. | Choose index k uniformly from {0,1,…,p(n) - 1}. |
3. | Choose a uniformly distributed string β of length k. |
4. | Construct y = β ⋅ τ ⋅ G(α′):[1,p(n) - k - 1]. |
5, | Compute and output D(y). |
If α is uniformly distributed, then τ and α′ are both uniformly distributed, so y = Hnk+1. On the other hand, if α = G1(s0), where s0 is uniformly distributed, then τ = σ1 and α′ = s1, so y = Hnk. This is because
Hence, D′ distinguishes G1(Un) from Un+1 with absolute probability difference ≥ δ(n)∕p(n).
We omit the remaining details of showing how this leads to a contradiction of the assumption that G is not pseudorandom.
Our formal definition of pseudorandomness is based on the indistinguishability of an entire polynomial-length generated sequence from a uniformly distributed random sequence. However, the traditional notion of a pseudorandom generator is based on repeated experiments. The output bits x1,x2,… are assumed to be generated one at a time. The generator is called pseudorandom if each xi “appears” to result from an independent and uniformly distributed random event such as the flip of a fair coin.
The notion of “appears” is can be captured in terms of unpredictability. We say that xi+1 is unpredictable if no polynomial time algorithm that attempts to guess it is correct with more than a tiny advantage over chance, even given all of the prior bits x1,…,xi.
More formally, a predictor is a p.p.t. algorithm A that is allowed to read the input sequence x a bit at a time in order. After reading bit i, the algorithm can choose to output a guess b and halt, or it can continue. In any case, it must halt and emit a guess after reading the next-to-last bit of x. Let k be the last bit read by A. Then A is correct if k < |x| and b = xk+1. In addition to the input x, which A is allowed to read only a bit at a time, A is also given an input 1n, where n = |x|. This way, A can determine the length of x without having to read it all.
Notation: The textbook uses the notation nextA(x) to denote the next bit of x following the last bit that A read. The intent is that the event [A(1|Xn|,Xn) = nextA(Xn)] should mean that a string x is chosen according to the distribution Xn, A is run on inputs 1n and x, A reads the first k bits of x for some k and outputs b, and b = xk+1, the “next” bit of x. That is, the event is that A correctly predicts some bit of a randomly chosen x from distribution Xn.
A better notation would make k explicit. For example, we could pretend that A outputs a pair (k,b) with the meaning that k is the index of the last bit of x that A read, and b is A’s prediction for xk+1. We could then define nextA(x) = {(k,xk+1)∣k [0,n - 1]}. Now, A correctly predicts the next bit if A(1|x|,x) = (k,b) and (k,b) nextA(x).
Definition: An ensemble {Xn}nℕ is called unpredictable in polynomial time if for every p.p.t. A, every positive polynomial p(⋅), and all sufficiently large n,
Theorem 2 An ensemble X is pseudorandom if and only if it is unpredictable in polynomial time.
(⇒) The theorem in the forward direction is straightforward. We sketch the general ideas and leave
the details to the reader.
If there were a predictor A for X, then a distinguisher D is easily built. Namely, D(x) outputs 1
iff A(1|x|,x) correctly predicts the next bit. If x comes from X, D(x) will output 1 with probability
at least + , but if x comes from U, then clearly D(x) will output 1 with probability exactly .
Hence, D successfully distinguishes X from U.
(⇐) The theorem in the reverse direction is proved by another hybrid argument. We sketch a few of
the main ideas. Assume X is both unpredictable but not pseudorandom. Then there is a distinguisher
D such that
for infinitely many n. We may without loss of generality drop the absolute value brackets and assume that
for infinitely many n. The reasoning is that either Pr[D(Xn) = 1] ≥ Pr[D(Un) = 1] for infinitely many n, or Pr[D(Xn) = 1] ≤ Pr[D(Un) = 1] for infinitely many n. If the latter, then Pr[(Xn) = 1] ≥ Pr[(Un) = 1] for the algorithm that is identical to D except that it complements the output.
We build a next-bit predictor A. Let hybrid Hnk consist of the first k bits from Xn followed by the last n - k bits from Un. Then Hnn = Xn and Hn0 = Un. The predictor A(1|x|,x) guesses a number k [0,|x|- 1], reads only the first k bits of x, and constructs the string y = x1,…,xk,uk+1,…,un, where the uj’s are uniformly distributed random bits. It then runs D(y). If D(y) = 1, then A predicts bit k + 1 to be uk+1. Otherwise, A predicts bit k + 1 to be ¬uk+1 (the complement of uk+1).
We omit the non-trivial analysis needed to show that algorithm A has a sufficient advantage as a next-bit predictor to contradict the assumption that X is unpredictable. __
We now show that the existence of pseudorandom generators implies the existence of one-way functions.
Theorem 3 Let G be a pseudorandom generator with expansion factor ℓ(n) = 2n. Define the function f(x,y) = G(x) for all |x| = |y|. Then f is a strongly one-way function.
Proof: Suppose f is not strongly one-way. Let A be an inverter for f(U2n) with success probability at least for infinitely many n. We construct a distinguisher D that distinguishes G(Un) from U2n on those same n.
D(α) uses A to attempt to find β such that f(β) = α. If A succeeds, then D outputs 1; otherwise D outputs 0. Since f(U2n) = G(Un), then
| (1) |
On the other hand,
| (2) |
This is because f(x,y) depends only on x, so the range of f on pairs of length-n inputs has size ≤ 2n. Since f(A(U2n)) is in the range of f, the probability that U2n is in the range, much less actually equal to f(A(U2n)), is at most 2-n. Subtracting 2 from 1 gives
| (3) |
Thus, D distinguishes G(Un) from U2n for infinitely many n, contradicting the assumption that G is a pseudorandom generator. __