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CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer Security
Professor M. J. Fischer
Handout #3
September 27, 2005

Problem Set 2
Due in class on Tuesday, October 4, 2005.
In the problems below, "textbook" refers to Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory: Second Edition by Trappe and Washington..

Problem 7:   Simplified CFB Mode

Textbook, problem 4.9.9.

Problem 8:   DES Brute Force Speedup

Textbook, problem 4.9.11.

Problem 9:   Birthday Paradox Calculation

Write a computer program to compute pn, the probability that at least two people in a random collection of n people have the same birthday. Ignore leap years and assume the probability of a person's birthday falling on any given day is exactly 1/365, independent of everyone else in the set. Your program should work for n in the range [1, 365]. Using your program, find the smallest value of n for which pn ≥ 1/2 and for which pn ≥ 3/4.

Problem 10:   Simplified DES Implementation

Textbook, problem 4.10.1.

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