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CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer Security
Professor M. J. Fischer
Handout #7
October 4, 2005

Problem Set 3
Due in class on Tuesday, October 11, 2005.
In the problems below, "textbook" refers to Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory: Second Edition by Trappe and Washington..

Problem 11:   Euclidean Algorithm

Textbook, problem 3.13.4.

Problem 12:   Divisibility

Textbook, problem 3.13.7.

Problem 13:   RSA Encryption

Textbook, problem 6.8.1.

Problem 14:   RSA Chosen Ciphertext Attack

Textbook, problem 6.8.7.

Problem 15:   Factoring by the p−1 Method

Write a computer program to factor numbers using the p−1 method, described in §6.4 of the textbook. Your program should be written in C, C++, or Java and should use one of the big number libraries-gmp (if written in C), gmp or ln3 (if written in C++), or class BigInteger in java.math (if written in Java). Use your program to solve the following:
  1. Textbook, problem 6.9.4.
  2. Textbook, problem 6.9.5.
Note: The downloadable computer files referenced in the textbook are for Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab, which we are not using in this course. However, I have typed the numbers to be factored for this problem into files prob15a.dat and prob15b.dat and put them on the Zoo in the folder /c/cs467/course/assignments/ps3. This will save you the trouble of copying them from the textbook and the aggrevation of having your programs fail because of a data input error.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.66.
On 4 Oct 2005, 15:08.