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CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer Security
Professor M. J. Fischer
Handout #14 (rev. 2)
October 25, 2005

Problem Set 5
Due in class on Tuesday, November 1, 2005.
In the problems below, "textbook" refers to Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory: Second Edition by Trappe and Washington..

Problem 22:   Factoring RSA Modulus

Alice's public RSA key is n=3737, e=77. Eve discovers that d=3413. Use the method of lecture notes 12, section 1.3, to factor n. You may use a calculator or computer if you wish, but you should show the steps of the algorithm in finding the factors.

Problem 23:   Solving Diophantine Equations

Textbook, problem 3.14.2 (computer problem).

Problem 24:   Finding Primitive Roots

Textbook, problem 3.13.21.

Problem 25:   Legendre Symbol

Textbook, problem 3.13.29.

Problem 26:   Jacobi Symbol

Textbook, problem 3.13.30.

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On 26 Oct 2005, 19:15.