CPSC 467: Submission Script Instructions

Programming homework will be submitted electronically using the submit program
(created by Professor Stan Eisenstat):

submit    assignment-number file(s)
unsubmit  assignment-number file(s)
check     assignment-number
makeit    assignment-number [file]
protect   assignment-number file(s)
unprotect assignment-number file(s)
retrieve  assignment-number file(s)

The submit program can be invoked in seven different ways:

    /c/cs467/bin/submit  1  Makefile tokenize.c unique.c time.log

submits the named source files as your solution to Homework #1;

    /c/cs467/bin/check  2

lists the files that you have submitted for Homework #2;

    /c/cs467/bin/unsubmit  3  error.submit bogus.solution

deletes the named files that you had submitted previously for Homework #3
(i.e., withdraws them from submission, which is useful if you accidentally
submit the wrong file);

    /c/cs467/bin/makeit  4  tokenize unique

runs "make" on the files that you submitted previously for Homework #4;

    /c/cs467/bin/protect  5  tokenize.c time.log

protects the named files that you submitted previously for Homework #5 (so
they cannot be deleted accidentally); and

    /c/cs467/bin/unprotect  6  unique.c time.log

unprotects the named files that you submitted previously for Homework #6
(so they can be deleted); and

    /c/cs467/bin/retrieve  7  Csquash.c

retrieves copies of the named files that you submitted previously for
Homework #7 (in case you accidentally delete your own copies).
