NTTL Function - GCD

Calculate the Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers
Header Description
#include <gcd.h> The default header.  This header will, in turn, include one of the two headers below.  As shipped, this would be <gcdEuclid.h>, but this may be changed when the package is installed.
#include <gcdEuclid.h> This header implements the usual Euclidean algorithm for GCD [1].
#include <gcdRSB.h> Implements GCD using the Right Shift Binary algorithm.   While this can be much faster than the Euclidean algorithm, it has a worst case runtime that is much worse [2].
template< class T >
T GCD( const T& a, const T& b )
template< class T >
T GCDEuclid( const T& a, const T& b )
template< class T >
T GCDRSB( T u, T v )
Name Type Description
a, b T The numbers.  Note that they must be of the same type [3].
( T )  The GCD of a and b.
#include <nttl/gcd.h>
long d = GCD( 1235, 2325 );
See Also
Algorithm Selection describes the method that nttl uses to implement alternate algorithms for the same function.  This is the architecture used to implement the three GCD headers.
[1] See [Knuth2], pp 316-320.
[2] See [Sorenson1].   This is also mentioned in [Knuth2], pp.321-323, and other places, but the paper by Sorenson is the easiest to follow.
[3] In general, the requirement that both arguments be of the same type is not a problem.  For example, lets assume that you are using the large number class ln, and want to do the following:
ln a;
long b;
ln d = GCD( a, b );

This will result in a compile-time error, since the types of a and b are not the same.  There are two possible solutions here (and in general): cast b up to type ln:

ln d = GCD( a, ln( b ) );

or reduce a down to a long:

ln d = GCD( ( a % b ), b );

In practice, reducing a down to a long is probably the more efficient solution.

To Do
It would be desirable to have a and b of different types.  This would have to be coded carefully, to avoid overflow.