Safe and secure?
Yale University Department of Computer Science
CS 467: Cryptography and Computer Security
Michael J. Fischer

Course Home Page, Fall 2005

TTh 4:00-5:15, AKW 400
CS Department CS Courses M. Fischer Home M. Fischer Email
Course Home Page
Lecture Notes
Old Announcements

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Recent Announcements:

  • 13 Dec. Important announcements regarding final exam:

    1. I have posted a study guide for the final examination (.pdf).
    2. Reminder: review session tonight (13 Dec.), 8:00 pm, AKW 400.
    3. The final exam will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday, December 17, in room BCT 102 (Becton Hall, just inside the front door to the right). This information is copied from the Yale College Fall 2005 Exam Schedule which is the official source in case of any discrepency.
    4. The final is a "2-hour" exam, which means you will be given 2 1/2 hours to work it. Format will be like the midterm: some choice of problems, closed book, calculators permitted but no PDA's, laptops, or other devices with text storage capabilities, graphing calculators are okay if the memory is cleared before the exam --- check this out with the TA before the start of the exam.
    5. Good luck with the exam, and Happy Holidays!
  • 13 Dec. I have posted solutions to problem set 8. Graded papers are available from the TA.

  • 10 Dec. The TA will hold a review session for the final exam on Tuesday, December 13, at 8 pm in AKW 400.

  • 9 Dec. I have posted solutions to problem set 6 and problem set 7.

  • 6 Dec. Here are lecture notes from November 3 to the end of classes. They contain slight revisions to the drafts posted earlier. In addition, the material has been shuffled around a bit to reflect more or less what was actually covered in class. A PDF version of the slides that I attempted to show on the last day is also included. This should let you see the text that refused to show during class.

  • 29 Nov. Here are draft notes for this week's lectures:

  • 29 Nov. I've posted a handout on pseudorandom sequence generation. This supplements the lecture notes.

[Old Announcements]

Instructor Teaching Assistant
Name: Michael J. Fischer Felipe Saint-Jean
Office: AKW 408 AKW 406
Phone: 432-1270 432-6496 (office)
233-6278 (cell)
Hours: By appointment MW 2:30-4:00

Comments about this website should be directed to M. Fischer