CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer Security | Handout #6 | |
Professor M. J. Fischer | October 5, 2006 | |
The Legendre and Jacobi Symbols
Let a ≥ 0, n Z+. Let QR(a,n) hold if (a,n) = 1 and a is a quadratic residue modulo n. Let
QNR(a,n) hold if (a,n) = 1 and a is a quadratic non-residue modulo n (i.e., there is no y
Z*n such
that a ≡ y2 (mod n)).
For a prime p, the structure of quadratic residues can be fairly easily explained. Let g be
a primitive root of Z*p. Then every element of Z*p is uniquely expressible as gk for some
k {0,…,p - 2}.
Theorem 1 Let p be a prime, g a primitive root of p, a ≡ gk (mod p). Then a is a quadratic residue iff k is even.
Conversely, suppose a ≡ y2 (mod p). Write y ≡ gℓ (mod p). Then gk ≡ g2ℓ (mod p). Multiplying both sides by g-k, we have 1 ≡ g0 ≡ g2ℓ-k (mod p). But then φ(p) ∣ 2ℓ - k. Since 2∣φ(p) = p - 1, it follows that 2∣k, as desired. __
The following theorem, due to Euler, is now easily proved:
Proof: Write a ≡ gk (mod p).If QR(a,p) holds, then a is a quadratic residue modulo p, so k is even by Theorem 1. Write k = 2r for some r. Then a(p-1)∕2 ≡ g2r(p-1)∕2 ≡ (gr)p-1 ≡ 1 (mod p) by Fermat’s theorem.
If QNR(a,p) holds, then a is a quadratic non-residue modulo p, so k is odd
by Theorem 1. Write k = 2r + 1 for some r. Then a(p-1)∕2 ≡ g(2r+1)(p-1)∕2 ≡
gr(p-1)g(p-1)∕2 ≡ g(p-1)∕2 (mod p). Let b = g(p-1)∕2. Clearly b2 ≡ 1 (mod p), so b ≡ ±1
(mod p).1
Since g is a primitive root modulo p and (p - 1)∕2 < p - 1, b = g(p-1)∕2 ⁄≡ 1 (mod p). Hence,
b ≡-1 (mod p).
Definition: The Legendre symbol is a function of two integers a and p, written . It is defined
for a ≥ 0 and p an odd prime as follows:
A multiplicative property of the Legendre symbols follows immediately from Theorem 1.
Observation 3 Let a,b ≥ 0, p an odd prime. Then
As an easy corollary of Theorem 2, we have:
Corollary 4 Let a ≥ 0 and let p be an odd prime. Then
The Jacobi symbol extends the domain of the Legendre symbol.
Definition: The Jacobi symbol is a function of two integers a and n, written , that is defined
for all a ≥ 0 and all odd positive integers n. Let ∏
i=1kpiei be the prime factorization of n. Then
Here denotes the previously-defined Legendre symbol. (Note that by this definition,
1, and
= 0 for odd n ≥ 3.)
We have seen that if (a,p) = 1 and p is prime, then the Legendre symbol = 1 iff a is a quadratic
residue modulo p. It is not true for the Jacobi symbol that
≡ 1 (mod n) implies that a is a quadratic
residue modulo n. For example,
= 1, but 8 is not a quadratic residue modulo 15. However, the
converse does hold:
Observation 5 If ⁄≡ 1 (mod n), then a is not a quadratic residue modulo n.
The usefulness of the Jacobi symbol stems from its ability to be computed efficiently, even
without knowning the factorization of either a or n. The algorithm is based on the following theorem,
which is stated without proof.
Theorem 6 leads directly to a recursive algorithm for computing :
int jacobi(int a, int n)
/⋆ Precondition: a, n >= 0; n is odd ⋆/ { int ans; if (a == 0) ans = (n==1) ? 1 : 0; else if (a == 2) { switch (n%8) { case 1: case 7: ans = 1; break; case 3: case 5: ans = -1; break; } } else if ( a >= n ) ans = jacobi(a%n, n); else if (a%2 == 0) ans = jacobi(2,n)⋆jacobi(a/2, n); else ans = (a%4 == 3 && n%4 == 3) ? -jacobi(n,a) : jacobi(n,a); return ans; } |