CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer SecurityHandout #12
Yinghua Wu  November 6, 2006


Solutions to Problem Set 4

Problem 17: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

  1. Recall Lucas test: g is a primitive root of p if and only if
    g(p-1)∕q ⁄≡ 1 (mod p)

    for all q > 1 such that q(p - 1). So here for p = 29 and g = 2, we check all the possible q = {2,4,7,14,28} as the following:

    228∕2  ≡  28 (mod  29)
2      ≡  12 (mod  29)
228∕7  ≡  16 (mod  29)
2      ≡  4 (mod  29)
228∕28  ≡  2 (mod  29)
    Therefore, g has passed Lucas test and is a primitive root of p.
  2. According to Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol, Alice computes a gx 25 3 (mod p), and Bob computes b gy 23 8 (mod p). So the shared secret key is k ay bx 27 (mod p).

Problem 18: ElGamal Cryptosystem

According to ElGamal Protocol, Bob’s public key is (p,g,b) = (29,2,8) and private key is (p,g,y) = (29,2,3).

Problem 19: Square Roots with Composite Moduli

  1. Z* 105= φ(105) = φ(3) * φ(5) * φ(7) = 48.
  2. Because 105 = 3 × 5 × 7 and 1 ∈ Z*105, then if b2 1 (mod 105), we have
    b2  ≡ 1 (mod 3)
b2  ≡ 1 (mod 5)
b   ≡ 1 (mod 7)
    And we can easily see that the squre roots of 1 in Z*3, Z*5 and Z*3 are all ±1. Conversely, if there is b satisfying the following equations:
    b ≡  ±1 (mod  3)
b ≡  ±1 (mod  5)

b ≡  ±1 (mod  7)
    Then b2 1 (mod 105). According to Chinese Remainder theorem, we solve the above set of equations and get all square roots of 1 modulo 105, {1,29,34,41,64,71,76,104}.
  3. From (b) and some extension of Claim 1 in Section 62, we could know that the mapping cu : Z*n QRn defined by b↦-→b2 (mod n) is a 8-to-1 function, in which n = pqr for p,q,r distinct odd primes. The brief explanation is if a ∈ QRn, then a has two square roots Sp = bp} mod p, two square roots Sq = bq} mod q and two square roots Sr = br} mod r. Any triple combination {b1,b2,b3}, in which b1 ∈ Sp, b2 ∈ Sq and b3 ∈ Sr, uniquely determines the number b ∈ Z*n such that b2 a (mod n). So cu is a 8-to-1 function and QR105= 18Z*105= 6.

    From the above description, we can know that if a ∈ QRn, then a is also a quadratic residue modulo p,q,r, and vice versa. So in order to find out all quadratic residues of n = 105, we need to find out quadratic residues of p = 3,q = 5,r = 7 first. That’s QR3 = {1}, QR5 = {1,4}, and QR7 = {1,2,4}. We solve the following set of equations by Chinese Remainder theorem:

    a  ≡ a1 (mod  3),a1 ∈ QR3

a  ≡ a2 (mod  5),a2 ∈ QR5
a  ≡ a3 (mod 7),a3 ∈ QR7,
    and we can get all the quadratic residues module 105, {1,4,16,46,64,79}.

Problem 20: Computing Square Roots Modulo a Prime

  1. According to Euler Criterion, since 103 is a prime and 2(103-1)2 251 (210)5 * 2 (-6)5 * 2 1 (mod 103), 2 is a quadratic residue modulo 103.
  2. According to Claim 3 in Section 64, since 103 3 (mod 4) and 2 ∈ QR103, then b 2(103+1)4 226 38 (mod 103) is a square root of 2 modulo 103.

Problem 21: Quadratic Residues

You can use Legendre Symbol to directly show the result or make advantage of a prime’s primitive roots as the following:

Since p is an odd prime, there must be some primitive root of p, denoted as g. Assume a gu (mod p) and b gv (mod p). Since a,b ∈ QNRp, u and v must be odd integers. Then ab gu+v (mod p). Because u + v is even, g(u+v)2 is exactly a square root of ab. So ab is a quadratic residue modulo p.