CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer SecurityHandout #14
Professor M. J. Fischer  November 17, 2006


Problem Set 6

Due on Thursday, November 30, 2006.

In the problems below, “textbook” refers to Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory: Second Edition by Trappe and Washington..

Problem 23: ElGamal Signatures

Textbook, problem 9.6.6.

Problem 24: Hash Functions

  1. Suppose h1(x) and h2(x) are hash functions with the same length output strings. You are told that one of them is strongly collision-free, but you don’t know which. Use them to construct a hash function H(x) that is definitely strongly collision-free, and prove that fact.
  2. A general scheme was presented in section 82 of Lecture Notes 16 for constructing a hash function H(m) from a function f, where f in turn is built from a symmetric cryptosystem with encryption function Ek(b) according to one of four suggested schemas f1,,f4. Suppose we use the XOR “one-time pad” cryptosystem, so Ek(b) = k b. Let H1(m),,H4(m) be the hash functions that result from the four suggested choices for f. Which of these do you think are strongly collision-free? Explain.

Problem 25: Simplified Feige-Fiat-Shamir Authentication Protocol

Happy Hacker decides to implement the simplified Feige-Fiat-Shamir authentication protocol presented in section 89 in Lecture Notes 17. Happy doesn’t see why it’s necessary to choose b at random, so he simply alternates bits, choosing first 0, then 1, then 0, then 1, and so forth. Give an algorithm that allows Irma, who does not know Alice’s secret s, to successfully impersonate Alice in 20 successive repetitions of the protocol.

Problem 26: Secret sharing basics

  1. Textbook, problem 12.3.1.
  2. Textbook, problem 12.3.5.

Problem 27: Secret sharing with cheater

Textbook, problem 12.3.8.