CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer SecurityHandout #16
Professor M. J. Fischer  December 1, 2006


Problem Set 7

Due on Friday, December 8, 2006.

Problem 28: Secret sharing implementation

This problem is to implement Shamir’s secret splitting scheme. You should write three programs:

takes three command line arguments: a secret s, a threshold τ, and a number of shares k, where 1 τ k. It writes 2k + 3 whitespace-separated decimal integers (with no labels) to standard output: a prime p, the numbers τ and k, and a list of k shares (1,s1), . . . , (k,sk), where the shares are computed from the secret s according to Shamir’s (τ,k) secret splitting scheme. In particular, dealer finds a suitable prime p, generates a random polynomial p(x) with coefficients in Zp that encodes the secret s, and then generates the k shares.
reads 2k + 3 numbers from standard input as written by dealer. It selects a random subset of τ distinct shares from among the k input shares and writes 2τ + 2 whitespace-separated decimal integers to standard output: a prime p, a number τ, and a list of the τ randomly-selected shares (i1,si1), . . . , (iτ,siτ).
reads 2τ + 2 numbers from standard input as written by filter. It finds the secret s determined from its inputs according to Shamir’s scheme and writes it to standard output.

You may assume that all numbers are less than 231, so your program can use ordinary C integers rather than bother with the big number packages. However, since you need to generate a prime p, you might still find it convenient to use one of the primality-testing routines from those packages.

Problem 29: Coin-flipping

Do problem 13.3.2 in the textbook,1 which refers to the coin-flipping protocol of section 13.1.

Problem 30: Indistinguishability

We say that judge J(z) ε-distinguishes random variables X and Y if

∣prob[J(X ) = 1]- prob[J(Y ) = 1]∣ ≥ ε.

Let Un be the uniform distribution on binary strings of length n. Let Xn be the distribution that results from n flips of a biased coin, where the probability of 1 (“heads”) is 23 and the probability of 0 (“tails”) is 13.

  1. What is the largest value of ε for which there exists a probabilistic polynomial time judge J(z) to ε-distinguish U1 from X1? Describe such a judge.
  2. How large can ε be as a function of n for a judge that distinguishes Un from Xn? Describe a judge achieving this level of distinguishability.