CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer SecurityHandout #3 (rev. 2)
Professor M. J. Fischer   September 11, 2008


Random Number Generation

1 Introduction

When writing programs, it is often necessary to generate random numbers in a given range or with a given distribution. The basic tool provided by Unix/Linux systems for generating a random number is the function rand(), which returns a uniformly distributed non-negative integer r with a value between 0 and RANDt4ht@95xMAX. Typically RANDt4ht@95xMAX == INTt4ht@95xMAX, the largest integer that can be represented by an int. In this document, we describe how to convert the value returned by rand() into a random value according to certain other useful distributions.

2 Distribution Over a Limited Range

Suppose one wants to choose an integer k uniformly at random from the set {0,,n - 1}. That is, each number should be chosen with probability exactly 1∕n.

A commonly-used method in C is to compute rand()%n. This produces a number in the desired range, but the probabilities aren’t quite correct. The reason is that if n does not exactly divide RANDt4ht@95xMAX, then some numbers are slightly more likely than others. To see this, suppose r is chosen uniformly from the set {0,,RANDt4ht@95xMAX}, and suppose RANDt4ht@95xMAX = 8. Then r%3 = 0 when r is 0, 3, or 6, r%3 = 1 when r is 1, 4, or 7, and r%3 = 2 when r is 2 or 5. Thus 0 and 1 are each chosen with probability 3/8, but 2 is chosen with probabily only 2/8.

One way to fix this problem is to reject values of r that are 6 or 7 and to choose r again. Then the acceptable values of r are in the set {0,,5}, and each occurs with probability 1/6.

In general, we’d like to use values of r that lie in the range {0,,m - 1}, where m is the greatest multiple of n such that m - 1 RANDt4ht@95xMAX. We might be tempted to try to compute m = ((RANDt4ht@95xMAX + 1)∕n) * n. Unfortunately, this will lead to integer overflow problems since RANDt4ht@95xMAX+1 and possibly also m are too large to represent as int’s. Instead, we compute top = m - 1, the largest acceptable value of r, in a roundabout way:

top = ((((R ANDt 4ht+ t4ht @95x MAX - n)+  1)∕n )* n- 1) + n.

The order of evaluation is important to ensure that no intermediate result will overflow (assuming that n is reasonable), so we use parentheses to make the desired order of evaluation explicit.

Here is some code that should work:

int randRange(int n)  
  int top = ((((RAND_MAX-n)+1)/n)⋆n-1)+n;  
  int r;  
  do {  
    r = rand();  
  } while (r > top);  
  return r%n;  

3 Choosing a Point from the Unit Interval

Now we look at the problem of choosing a point x uniformly at random from the unit semi-open interval [0,1). Here, x will be of type double, so we need to convert the integer returned by rand() to a double and scale to the correct range. Again, the naïve formula rand()/(RANDt4ht@95xMAX+1) fails because of integer overflow problems, but here the fix is simpler: just compute rand()/(RANDt4ht@95xMAX+1.0). The addition of the double constant 1.0 will cause RANDt4ht@95xMAX to be converted to a double before performing the addition, and the value RANDt4ht@95xMAX+1 is exactly representable as a double. Of course, this doesn’t really give the uniform distribution since most of the real numbers in [0,1) can never be chosen, but it is a good enough approximation for most applications.

4 Choosing an Element from an Arbitrary Finite Distribution

Let U = {0,,n- 1} and let P : U [0,1] be a finite probability distribution, that is, k=0n-1P(k) = 1. We consider the problem of choosing an integer k from U according to the distribution P . Note that this is a generalization of the problem in section 2, but here we are willing to accept a small error in the derived probabilities.

The method here is to divide up the unit interval into n non-overlapping segments, where the length of segment j is P(j). Then we generate a random real x in the unit interval using the method of section 3, find the index k of the segment that contains x, and return k. We leave the coding of this method to the reader.