CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer SecurityHandout #13
Xueyuan Su   November 4, 2008


Solution to Midterm Examination


This is a closed book examination. Answer any 5 of the following 6 questions. Write the numbers of the five questions that you want graded on the cover of your bluebook. All questions count equally. You have 75 minutes. Remember to write your name on your bluebook and to justify your answers. Good Luck!


Problem 1: Symmetric Cryptosystems and Information Security

Consider the encryption function for a symmetric cryptosystem described by the table below, where K = M = C = {0,1,2,3}:

      |    m
    0 |3  0  2  1
k   1 |1  3  0  2
    2 |2  1  0  3
    3 |0  2  3  1

  1. Give the corresponding decryption function.
  2. What does it mean for a cryptosystem to be information-theoretically secure?
  3. Is this cryptosystem information-theoretically secure? Why or why not?


  1. From the original encryption function, we can easily derive the decryption function as:
         |     c
   0 |1  3  2  0
k  1 |2  0  3  1
   2 |2  1  0  3
   3 |0  3  1  2

  2. For the cryptosystem to have perfect secrecy (be information-theoretically secure), it means that the random variables c and m are statistically independent, that is,
    prob[m = m0  ∧c = c0] = prob[m = m0 ]× prob[c = c0]

    for all m0 ∈M and c0 ∈C. An equivalent definition in terms of conditional probability is

    prob[m = m   | c = c ] = prob[m = m ]
           0      0               0

    for all m0 ∈M and c0 ∈C such that prob[c = c0]0. Hence, even after Eve receives the ciphertext c0, her opinion of the likelihood of each message m0 is the same as it was initially, so she has learned nothing about m0.

  3. No, this cryptosystem is not information-theoretically secure. A simple observation is that prob[m = 3] = 14, but prob[m = 3c = 0] = 0. Similarly, prob[m = 2] = 14, but prob[m = 2c = 1] = 0. Therefore, after receiving c = 0 or c = 1, we have learned partial information about m.

Problem 2: Attacks

We have discussed a number of different possible attacks on a cryptosystem by a passive eavesdropper Eve, depending on what information is available to her.

  1. Describe the following three kinds of attack on a cryptosystem: ciphertext only, known plaintext, chosen plaintext. For each, give a scenario in which such an attack might be plausible for Eve to carry out.
  2. Consider the following simple cryptosystem: A message m = m1m2mt is a t-bit string. A key is a single bit k ∈{0,1}. The encryption function is Ek(m) = c, where c = c1c2ct and ci = mi b, for i = 1,,t. Discuss the security of this system under each of the three kinds of attacks (from part (a) above). Where the system is insecure, describe carefully the sense in which it insecure. Be sure to say also how the security is affected by the choice of t.


  1. Ciphertext-only
    Eve knows only c and tries to recover m. Eve is able to perform such attack if she has access to the communication channel between Alice and Bob, for example, if she controls the gateway through which Alice accesses the Internet.
    Known plaintext
    Eve knows a sequence of plaintext-ciphertext pairs (m1,c1), , (mr,cr). Now she obtains a new ciphertext c ∈ {c1,,cr} and wants to recover the corresponding message m. Eve is able to perform such an attack if the previous plaintext-ciphertext pairs are revealed by Alice or Bob. Eve might also get information about the previous plaintext-ciphertext pairs by looking into Alice’s swap files.
    Chosen plaintext
    This is like a known plaintext attack, except that before getting c, Eve gets to choose messages m1, , mr and somehow get Alice (or Bob) to encrypt them for her and supply her with the corresponding ciphertexts c1, , cr. Eve is able to perform such attack if Alice is a server that provides encryption service. Eve can also perform such an attack on an asymmetric cryptosystem such as RSA where she has access to the public encryption key.
  2. Ciphertext-only
    When t = 1, this cryptosystem is information-theoretically secure. When t > 1, Eve is able to get partial information about the plaintext. In particular, if the ciphertext is c = c1ct, she knows that the plaintext is either c or ¯c (the complement of c).
    Known plaintext
    Whatever length the message is, one plaintext-ciphertext pair is sufficient to recover the key and break the cryptosystem.
    Chosen plaintext
    A chosen plaintext attack is stronger than a known plaintext attack, so again, whatever length the message is, one plaintext-ciphertext pair is sufficient to recover the key and break the cryptosystem.

Problem 3: DES

Recall that the heart of DES is a round of the form:


Consider a simplified DES-like cryptosystem consisting of n such rounds, where the function f is defined by fK(X) = K X. Here we assume that the key K is 32-bits long and that the same key is used at each round, that is, Ki = K for each round i.

This system is used to encrypt a 64-bit message M as follows: L0 is the leftmost 32-bits of M and R0 is the rightmost 32-bits of M. The ciphertext EK(M) is Ln Rn.

  1. Describe how to decrypt messages encrypted with EK.
  2. Express L1, R1, L2, R2 in terms of L0, R0, and K.
  3. Show why increasing the number of rounds n can actually decrease security.


  1. This is a simplified DES-like cryptosystem. Like DES, decryption can be done by starting with the left and right halves of the ciphertext, Ln and Rn respectively, and working backwards round by round to the plaintext message M = L0 R0. In round i of encryption, the algorithm works as follows:
    { L    = R
    i+1     i                                       (3)
  Ri+1 = Li ⊕ Ri ⊕ K
    To decrypt, we solve (3) to express Li and Ri in terms of Li+1 and Ri+1. This yields
  Li = Li+1 ⊕ Ri+1 ⊕ K
  Ri = Li+1
    Applying (4) for i = n - 1,n - 2,,0 yields the desired plaintext.

    We remark that, also like DES, the encryption and decryption functions for each round are almost the same. Let EK(Li Ri) = Li+1 Ri+1 be the encryption function defined by (3). Let DK(Li+1 Ri+1) = Li Ri be the corresponding decryption function defined by (4). One can easily verify that

    Ri ⋅Li = EK (Ri+1 ⋅Li+1).

    Thus, if S(LR) = R L is the function that swaps the left and right halves of its 64-bit argument, then it follows from (5) that

    S (Ek (S(Li+1 ⋅ Ri+1))) = Li ⋅Ri = DK (Li+1 ⋅Ri+1 ).

  2. {
  L1 = R0
  R1 = L0 ⊕ R0 ⊕ K                                           (7)
  L2 = R1  = L0 ⊕ R0 ⊕ K
  R2 = L1 ⊕ R1 ⊕ K  = R0 ⊕ L0 ⊕ R0 ⊕ K ⊕  K = L0             (8)
  3. If we continue the encryption to the third round, we will find that
   L3 = R2 = L0
  R3 =  L2 ⊕ R2 ⊕ K = L0 ⊕ R0 ⊕ K  ⊕ L0 ⊕ K = R0
    Therefore, increasing the number of rounds from 2 to 3 results in the ciphertext being identical to the plaintext, so there is no security at all.

Problem 4: Chaining Modes

Let (E,D) be a block cipher and let m1,m2,,mt be a sequence of t plaintext blocks. Happy Hacker was not happy with the chaining modes he learned about in CPSC 467, so he invented his own. He defines a sequence of t + 2 ciphertext blocks c0,c1,c2,,ct,ct+1 which satisfies the equation

ci = Ek (ci-1 ⊕ mi ⊕ ci+1), for i = 1,...,t.

  1. Describe how to reconstruct m1,,mt given c0,,ct+1.
  2. Happy was having trouble figuring out how to compute the ci’s because of the cirular dependencies. Please help him by showing how to compute ci+1 from ci-1, ci, and mi, where 1 i t. How should he choose c0 and c1?


  1. For i = 1, , t, we have the condition
    ci = Ek (ci-1 ⊕ mi ⊕ ci+1)

    Applying decryption function to both sides of (10) gives

    Dk (ci)  =   Dk(Ek (ci-1 ⊕ mi ⊕ ci+1))
        =   c   ⊕ m  ⊕ c                               (11)
            i-1     i   i+1
    Adding (using ) the expression (ci-1 ci+1) to (11) and swapping the two sides gives
    mi = Dk (ci)⊕  ci-1 ⊕ ci+1

  2. Adding (using ) (ci-1 mi) to (11) and swapping the two sides gives
    c   = D  (c )⊕ c   ⊕  m ,
i+1     k i    i-1    i

    where 1 i t. In order to get started, we set c0 and c1 to some fixed initialization vectors.

Problem 5: RSA

My toy RSA key is N = 187,e = 107. You observe a ciphertext c = 2. What is the plaintext? (Note: 187 = 11 * 17.)


Given N = 187 = 11 × 17, it is easy to compute ϕ(N) = (11 - 1) × (17 - 1) = 160.

Next, given e = 107, which is relative prime to 160, we use extended Euclidean algorithm to compute d such that ed 1 (mod 107):

i ri uiviqi

1160 1 0
2107 0 1 1
3 53 1 -1 2
4 1 -2 3

The result from the table is d = v4 = 3.

Finally we apply the decryption function of RSA to get the plaintext

m =  cd mod N  = 23 mod 187 = 8

Problem 6: Euler’s Theorem

  1. Define Euler’s totient function ϕ(n), and state Euler’s theorem.
  2. Calculate 2549 mod 29.

    (Hint: This problem is easily solved by hand using Euler’s theorem to reduce the size of the exponents.)


  1. Let Z* n = {a ∈ Zngcd(a,n) = 1}, then Euler’s totient function ϕ(n) is the cardinality of Z*n. If we represent an integer n by its prime factors as follows
n =    pei,
     i  i

    then ϕ(n) can be calculated as

ϕ(n) =   (pi - 1)peii-1,

    Euler’s theorem says, for every x that is relative prime to n,

    xϕ(n) ≡ 1 (mod  n)

  2. Given n = 29, it is easy to compute ϕ(29) = 29-1 = 28, and ϕ(ϕ(29)) = (2-1)×22-1 ×(7-1) = 12.

    After verifying gcd(5,28) = 1, applying Euler’s theorem gives

    549 = (512)4 × 51 = (5ϕ(28))4 × 51 ≡ 51 (mod 28)

    Therefore after verifying gcd(2,29) = 1, we have

    2549 ≡ 251 (mod 29),

    which implies 2549 mod 29 = 251 mod 29 = 3.