CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer SecurityHandout #15
Xueyuan Su   November 9, 2008


Solution to Problem Set 4

Due on Monday, November 3, 2008.

In the problems below, “textbook” refers to Douglas R. Stinson, Cryptography: Theory and Practice, Third Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006.

Problem 1: Homomorpohic Mapping χ

Textbook, problem 5.5.


According to Chinese remainder theorem, define the function χ-1 : Z3 × Z5 × Z7 Z105 as follows:

                (           )
 - 1             ∑ 3
χ   (a1,a2,a3) =      aiMiNi   mod 105,

where {ni} = {3,5,7}, Ni = 105∕ni and Mi = Ni-1 mod ni. Therefore, we compute χ-1(a1,a2,a3) as follows:

n1 = 3,N1 = 35,M1 =  35-1 mod 3 = 2 }
n2 = 5,N2 = 21,M2 =  21-1 mod 5 = 1
n =  7,N  = 15,M  =  15-1 mod 7 = 1 )
 3      3        3

⇒  χ-1(a1,a2,a3) = (70a1 + 21a2 + 15a3) mod 105

Thus we can compute χ-1(2,2,3) = (70 × 2 + 21 × 2 + 15 × 3) mod 105 = 17.

Problem 2: Chinese Remainder Theorem

Textbook, problem 5.6.


According to Chinese remainder theorem, define x as follows:

                    (           )
     - 1              ∑3
x = χ   (a1,a2,a3) =      aiMiNi   mod (25 × 26×  27),

Therefore, we compute χ-1(a1,a2,a3) as follows:

n1 = 25, N1 = 702, M1 = 702-1 mod 25 = (-12) mod 25 = 13.

   |                |
 1 |702     1     0 |
 2 | 25     0     1 |28
   |                |
 3 |  2     1  - 28 |12
 4 |  1  - 12   337 |

n2 = 26, N2 = 675, M2 = 675-1 mod 26 = (-1) mod 26 = 25.

   |              |
 i | ri   ui    vi| qi
   |              |
 2 | 26    0    1 |25
 3 | 25    1 - 25 | 1
 4 |  1  - 1   26 |

n3 = 27, N3 = 650, M3 = 650-1 mod 27 = (-13) mod 27 = 14.

  i|  ri   ui    vi |qi
   |                |
 2 | 27     0     1 |24
 3 |  2     1  - 24 |13
 4 |  1  - 13   313 |

x  =   χ-1(12,9,23)

   =   (702× 13 × 12 + 675× 25 × 9+  650× 14 × 23) mod (25× 26 × 27)
   =   14387

Problem 3: Primitive Root

Textbook, problem 5.9.


Lucas test says, g is a primitive root of p if and only if g(p-1)∕q ⁄≡ 1 (mod p) for all q > 1 such that q(p - 1). Now because p and q are odd primes such that p = 2q + 1, there are only two integers that we need to test with, 2 and q. We know that α ⁄≡±1 (mod p). Then α2 ⁄≡ 1 (mod p) since if it were, α would be a square root of 1 (mod p), and the only square roots of 1 modulo a prime are ±1.

Now let us look at αq. Since p is a prime and α ∈ Z*p, then ϕ(p) = p- 1 = 2q, so by Euler’s theorem, α2q 1 (mod p). Then αq is a square root of 1 (mod p), so

α  ≡ ±1 (mod  p).

According to Lucas test, α is a primitive root of p if and only if αq ⁄≡ 1 (mod p). Combining this with (4), we conclude that α is a primitive root of p if and only if αq ≡-1 (mod p).

Problem 4: RSA Speedup

Textbook, problem 5.13.


  1. We have the following equations:
    dp  =   d mod (p- 1 )                                (5)
d   =   d mod (q - 1)                                (6)
  q      d
xp  =   y p mod p                                    (7)
xq  =   ydq mod q                                    (8)

 x  =   Mpqxp + Mqpxq  mod  n                        (9)
    Combining (5) and (7) gives
    x  = ydmod (p-1) mod p

    Since p is prime, ϕ(p) = p - 1. According to Euler’s theorem, if gcd(a,p) = 1, then ap-1 1 (mod p), which implies

     d    ⌊d∕(p-1)⌋(p-1)+d mod(p-1)    dmod(p-1)
y  = y                      ≡  y          (mod p)

    Combining (10) and (11) gives

y mod  p ≡ xp (mod p)

    Similarly, from (6) and (8) we can derive

y mod  p ≡ xq (mod q)

    Therefore, according to Chinese reminder theorem, there is a unique solution for yd mod p, which is calculated exactly the same as (9) does. Thus we conclude that the value x returned by this algorithm is in fact yd mod p.

  2.  dp  =  1234577 mod  (1511- 1) = 907
 dq  =  1234577 mod  (2003- 1) = 1345
M    =  2003 -1 mod 1511 = 777
  p          -1
Mq   =  1511   mod  2003 = 973
  3. xp  =  152702907 mod 1511 = 242
x   =  1527021345 mod 2003 = 1087
 x  =  (777 × 2003×  242+ 973 × 1511 × 1087) mod (1511× 2003) = 1443247

Problem 5: RSA Insecure Against Chosen Ciphertext Attack

Textbook, problem 5.14


Let yŷ 1 (mod n). Then the multiplicative property implies

1 = yˆy mod  n = eK(x)eK(ˆx) mod n = ek(xxˆmod  n)

Applying decryption function DK() to both sides of (14) and noting DK(1) = 1, we have

1 = xˆx mod n

Given ˆx, we can easily compute x using extended Euclidean algorithm.

Problem 6: RSA Common Modulus Failure

Textbook, problem 5.16.


  1. We have the following equations:
y1  =   x  mod n                                 (16)
y2  =   xb2 mod n                                 (17)
        - 1
c1  =   b1  mod  b2                               (18)
c2  =   (c1b1 - 1)∕b2                              (19)
x1  =   yc1(yc2)-1 mod n                          (20)
         1  2
    Plugging (17-19) into (20) gives
    x1  =  (xb1c1)(xb2c2)-1 mod n
    =  (xb1c1)(xb1c1-1)-1 mod n
        b1c+1- bc
    =  x   1   1 1 mod n
    =  x mod n

    =  x                                            (21)
  2. Applying (18-20) gives
c1  =   43   mod 7717 = 2692
c2  =   (2692× 43 - 1)∕7717 = 15
              2692        -15
x1  =   (12677    × 14702   ) mod 18721
    =   (13145× 3947- 1) mod 18721
    =   (13145× 5668) mod 18721

    =   15001                                            (22)