CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer Security Notes 15 (rev. 2)
Professor M. J. Fischer October 29, 2008

Lecture Notes 15

61 Quadratic Residues, Squares, and Square Roots

An integer a is called a quadratic residue (or perfect square) modulo n if a b2 (mod n) for some integer b. Such a b is said to be a square root of a modulo n. We let

QRn  = {a ∈ Z n | a is a quadratic residue m odulo n}.

be the set of quadratic residues in Z*n, and we denote the set of non-quadratic residues in Z*n by QNRn = Z*n - QRn.

62 Square Roots Modulo a Prime

Claim 1 For an odd prime p, every a ∈ QRp has exactly two square roots in Z*p, and exactly 1/2 of the elements of Z*p are quadratic residues.

For example, take p = 11. The following table shows all of the elements of Z*11 and their squares.

-----a-----|a2 mod-11-
  1        |     1
  2        |     4
  3        |     9
  4        |     5
  6  = - 5 |     3
  7  = - 4 |     5
  8  = - 3 |     9
  9  = - 2 |     4
 10  = - 1 |     1

Thus, we see that QR11 = {1,3,4,5,9} and QNR11 = {2,6,7,8,10}.

Proof: We now prove Claim 1. Consider the mapping sq : Z*p QRp defined by b↦→b2 mod p. We show that this is a 2-to-1 mapping from Z*p onto QRp.

Let a ∈ QRp, and let b2 a (mod p) be a square root of a. Then -b is also a square root of a, and b ⁄≡-b (mod p) since p ~ 2b. Hence, a has at least two distinct square roots (mod n). Now let c be any square root of a.

 2        2
c  ≡ a ≡ b  (mod p).

Then pc2 - b2, so p(c - b)(c + b). Since p is prime, then either p(c - b), in which case c b (mod p), or p(c + b), in which case c ≡ -b (mod p). Hence c ≡ ±b (mod p). Since c was an arbitrary square root of a, it follows that ±b are the only two square roots of a. Hence, sq() is a 2-to-1 function, and |QRp| = 12|Z*p| as desired. __

63 Square Roots Modulo the Product of Two Primes

Claim 2 Let n = pq for p, q distinct odd primes. Then every a ∈ QRn has exactly four square roots in Z*n, and exactly 1/4 of the elements of Z*n are quadratic residues.

Proof: Consider the mapping sq : Z*n QRn defined by b↦→b2 mod n. We show that this is a 4-to-1 mapping from Z*n onto QRn.

Let a ∈ QRn and let b2 a (mod n) be a square root of a. Then also b2 a (mod p) and b2 a (mod q), so b is a square root of a (mod p) and b is a square root of a (mod q). Conversely, if bp is a square root of a (mod p) and bq is a square root of a (mod q), then by the Chinese Remainder theorem, the unique number b ∈ Z*n such that b bp (mod p) and b bq (mod q) is a square root of a (mod n). Since a has two square roots mod p and two square roots mod q, it follows that a has four square roots mod n. Thus, sq() is a 4-to-1 function, and |QRn| = 1
4|Z*n| as desired. __

64 Euler Criterion

There is a simple test due to Euler for whether a number is in QRp for p prime.

Claim 3 (Euler Criterion): An integer a is a non-trivial1 quadratic residue modulo p iff

a       ≡ 1 (mod p ).

Proof: Let a b2 (mod p) for some b ⁄≡ 0 (mod p). Then

a(p-1)∕2 ≡ (b2)(p-1)∕2 ≡ bp-1 ≡ 1 (mod p)

by Euler’s theorem, as desired.

For the other direction, suppose a(p-1)2 1 (mod p). Clearly a ⁄≡ 0 (mod p). We show that a is a quadratic residue by finding a square root b modulo p.

Let g be a primitive root of p. Choose k so that a gk (mod p), and let = (p - 1)k∕2. Then

g ℓ ≡ g(p-1)k∕2 ≡ (gk )(p-1)∕2 ≡ a(p-1)∕2 ≡ 1 (mod p).

Because g is a primitive root, g 1 (mod p) implies that is a multiple of p - 1. Hence, (p - 1)(p - 1)k∕2, from which we conclude that 2|k and k∕2 is an integer. Let b = gk∕2. Then b2 gk a (mod p), so b is a square root of a modulo p, as desired. __

65 Finding Square Roots Modulo Special Primes

The Euler criterion lets us test membership in QRp for prime p, but it doesn’t tell us how to find square roots. In case p 3 (mod 4), there is an easy algorithm for finding the square roots of any member of QRp.

Claim 4 Let p 3 (mod 4), a ∈ QRp. Then b = a(p+1)4 is a square root of a (mod p).

Proof: Under the assumptions of the claim, p + 1 is divisible by 4, so (p + 1)4 is an integer. Then

b2 ≡ (a(p+1)∕4)2 ≡ a(p+1)∕2 ≡ a1+ (p-1)∕2 ≡ a ⋅a(p- 1)∕2 ≡ a⋅1 ≡ a (mod p)

by the Euler Criterion (Claim 3). __

66 Shank’s Algorithm for Finding Square Roots Modulo Odd Primes

Let p be an odd prime. Let s and t be unique integers such that p - 1 = 2st and t is odd. (Note that s is simply the number of trailing 0’s in the binary expansion of p - 1, and t is what remains when p - 1 is shifted right by s places.) Because p is odd, p - 1 is even, so s 1.

In the special case when s = 1, p- 1 = 2t, so p = 2t + 1. Writing the odd number t as 2+ 1 for some integer , we have p = 2(2+ 1) + 1 = 4+ 3, so p 3 (mod 4). But this is exactly the special that we considered in Section 65.

We now present an algorithm that works to find square roots of quadratic residues modulo any odd prime p. Algorithm 66.1, due to D. Shanks2 , bears a strong resemblance to Algorithm 56.1 for factoring the RSA modulus given both the encryption and decryption exponents.

Let p,s,t be as above. Assume a ∈ QRp is a quadratic residue and u ∈ QNRp is a quadratic non-residue. (We can easily find u by choosing random elements of Z*p and applying the Euler Criterion.) The goal is to find x such that x2 a (mod p).

Shank’s Algorithm

Input: Odd prime p, quadratic residue a ∈ QRp.

Output: A square root of a (mod p).

1. Let s, t satisfy p = 2st and t odd.

2. Let u ∈ QNRp.

3. k = s

4. z = ut mod p

5. x = a(t+1)2 mod p

6. b = at mod p

7. while (b ⁄≡ 1 (mod p)) {

8. let m be the least integer with b2m 1 (mod p)

9. t = z2k-m-1 mod p

10. z = t2 mod p

11. b = bz mod p

12. x = xt mod p

13. k = m

14. }

15. return x

Figure 66.1: Shank’s algorithm for finding a square root of a (mod n).

The congruence x2 ab (mod p) is easily shown to be a loop invariant. It’s clearly true initially since x2 at+1 and b at (mod p). Each time through the loop, a is unchanged, b gets multiplied by t2 (lines 10 and 11), and x gets multiplied by t (line 12); hence the invariant remains true regardless of the value of t. If the program terminates, we have b 1 (mod p), so x2 a, and x is a square root of a (mod p).

To see why it terminates after at most s iterations of the loop, we look at the orders3 of b and z (mod p) at the start of each loop iteration (before line 8) and show that ord(b) < ord(z) = 2k.

On the first iteration, k = s, and z ut (mod p). We argue that ord(z) = 2s. Clearly

 2s   2st    p- 1
z  ≡ u   ≡ u    ≡ 1  (mod  p),

so ord(z)2s. By the Euler Criterion, since u is a non-residue, we have

z2s-1 ≡ u2s- 1t ≡ u(p- 1)∕2 ⁄≡ 1 (mod p).

Hence, ord(z) = 2s. Using similar reasoning, since a is a quadratic residue, b2s-1 1 (mod p), so ord(b)2s-1. It follows that ord(b) < ord(z) = 2s = 2k.

Now, on each iteration, line 8 sets m = ord(b) and line 9 sets t = z2k-m-1 mod p, so

ord(t) = ord(z)∕2k-m -1 = 2k∕2k- m-1 = 2m+1.

Line 10 sets z = t2, so ord(z) = ord(t)2 = 2m. After line 11, ord(b) < 2m. This because the old value of b and the new value of z both have order 2m. Hence, both of those numbers raised to the power 2m-1 are -1 (mod p), so their product (the new value of b) raised to that same power is (-1)2 1. Line 13 sets k = m in preparation for the next iteration, and the loop invariant ord(b) < ord(z) = 2k is maintained. Moreover, ord(b) is reduced at each iteration, so the loop must terminate after at most s iterations.

67 QR Probabilistic Cryptosystem

Let n = pq, p, q distinct odd primes. We can divide the numbers in Z*n into four classes depending on their membership in QRp and QRq.4 Let Qn11 be those numbers that are quadratic residues mod both p and q; let Qn10 be those numbers that are quadratic residues mod p but not mod q; let Qn01 be those numbers that are quadratic residues mod q but not mod p; and let Qn00 be those numbers that are neither quadratic residues mod p nor mod q. Under these definitions, Qn11 = QRn and Qn00 Qn01 Qn10 = QNRn. Fact Given a ∈ Qn00 Qn11, there is no known feasible algorithm for determining whether or not a ∈ QRn that gives the correct answer significantly more than 1/2 the time.

The Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem is based on this fact. The public key consist of a pair e = (n,y), where n = pq for distinct odd primes p, q, and y ∈ Qn00. The private key consists of p. The message space is M = {0,1}.

To encrypt m ∈M, Alice chooses a random a ∈ QRn. She does this by choosing a random member of Z*n and squaring it. If m = 0, then c = a mod n. If m = 1, then c = ay mod n. The ciphertext is c.

It is easily shown that if m = 0, then c ∈ Qn11, and if m = 1, then c ∈ Qn00. One can also show that every element of Qn11 is equally likely to be chosen as the ciphertext c in case m = 0, and every element of Qn00 is equally likely to be chosen as the ciphertext c in case m = 1. Eve’s problem of determining whether c encrypts 0 or 1 is the same as the problem of distinguishing between membership in Qn00 and Qn11, which by the above fact is believed to be hard. Anyone knowing the private key p, however, can use the Euler Criterion to quickly determine whether or not c is a quadratic residue mod p and hence whether c ∈ Qn11 or c ∈ Qn00, thereby determining m.