Recent Announcements:
3 May. Two announcements:
Please prepare your solutions to optional
Problem set 6 in
electronic form and submit them to the Zoo via
the usual submit script. That way the TA can
begin grading them while he is still in
The final exam will be held in BCT 102
on Thursday, May 6, 2010 beginning at 2:00
pm. Please note that this is
different from our regular classroom.
The final is a "two hour" exam for which you will
be given 2½ hours.
23 Apr. I have decided to have an optional
problem set so that you will have some practice with
the protocols that we've been discussing in the
latter part of the course. Problem set 6 (.pdf) is due on the last day
of reading period, Monday, May 3.
If you choose to do PS6, the score you receive on
it will replace your lowest score on a proportional
part of any of the components (problem sets, midterm,
final) that comprise your course grade total. If you
do not turn in PS6, this will have no effect on your
grade total.
[Old Announcements]