This is the directory for Homework Assignment 6, CPSC 467, Fall 2020. The src directory contains working code for the SnakeOil cryptosystem. It also contains partial code for a brute force key finder. However, two functions needed by analyze.cpp are missing, so it won't compile. The data directory contains five kinds of files: 1) keyshares is a file of 100 key shares that was used for all of the encryptions. 2) The *.enc files are ciphertexts encrypted by SnakeOil using keyshares but with different key indices. 3) The *.dat files are byte frequency tables derived from various sources. merrywifes.dat is from the Shakespeare play, "The Merry Wifes of Windsor". ulysses.dat is from the James Joyce novel, "Ulysses". uniform.dat is the uniform distribution. space.dat has only a single sample at position 32, which is the ASCII code for space. 4) sample.txt is the plaintext that was encrypted to yield the ciphertext sample.enc. It was encrypted using indices 4 and 31. 5) snakeoil is an executable command that performs SnakeOil encryptions and decryptions. It can also generate a new keyshares file. See the comments at the top of src/snakeoil.hpp for usage information.