CPSC 467: Cryptography and Computer SecurityHandout #8
Professor M. J. Fischer   October 27, 2020


Homework Assignment 7
Due on Wednesday, November 4, 2020

1 ElGamal Authentication (6 points)

Once Happy understood ElGamal signatures, he was excited to use them for authentication. He wants to send an authenticated message m to Bob so that Bob can verify that m came from him.

Happy has an ElGamal signing key (g,p,x) and Bob has the corresponding verification key (g,p,a). We denote the signing algorithm using that key pair by S and the verification algorithm by V . Happy and Bob also have a cryptographic hash function h whose output is the same length as the signatures produced by S.

Here’s Happy’s idea. Bob sends him a fresh tag r. Happy signs r and attaches it to a hash of his message. Bob checks the tag’s signature and accepts the message.

Happy Bob

1.  r
← - Choose random string r.
2.Compute s = S(r) h(m r) (m,s)
-→ Check V (r,s h(m r)).
If check succeeds, accept m as coming from Happy.


  1. Verify that Bob accepts every message that Happy sends in this way (assuming no errors in transmission). Explain.
  2. Mallory wants to replace m with a message mof his choosing and get Bob to accept it as valid. Describe in detail how he can do this. Assume that Mallory is carrying out a man-in-the-middle attack, but she does not know Happy’s signing key, cannot forge signatures S(x) for messages x of Mallory’s choosing, and has no knowledge of r, m, and s before she sees them coming over the channel.
  3. Suggest a way to fix this protocol to thwart Mallory’s attack. Your suggestion should not use any more rounds of communication nor assume any other encryption system or secret keys. Explain.
    [Hint: Think about a better way to use h to “bind” m to the signature.]

2 Hash from Cryptosystem (4 points)

Happy decided to build a hash function H(M) out of the AES-128 encryption function Ek. First define f(s,m) = Em(s) m, where s and m each have length 128. Let M be a message of arbitrary length. Here’s how to compute H(M).


  1. Given any k 1 and 128-bit string sk, show how to find a message M = m1m2mk such that H(M) = sk.
    [Hint: Use the fact that the decryption function Dk() is the inverse of Ek(). This allows you to “work backwards” from sk to s1.]
  2. Describe how to find a colliding pair (M,M) for H().