CPSC468/568: Computational Complexity
Course Information | Course Schedule
| Lectures | Homework
Course information
Description: Introduction to the theory of computational complexity. Basic complexity
classes, including polynomial time, nondeterministic polynomial time,
probabilistic polynomial time, polynomial space, logarithmic space, and
nondeterministic logarithmic space. The roles of reductions, completeness,
randomness, and interaction in the formal study of computation.
Location: T/Th, 2:30 - 3:45 p.m., AKW 307
Instructor: Joan Feigenbaum
Office: AKW 512
Telephone: 203-432-6432
Office hours: Thursdays 11:30am - 12:30pm and by appointment
TA: David.Costanzo@yale.edu, AKW 301, Thursdays 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Assistant: Judi.Paige@yale.edu, 203-436-1267, AKW 507A
Note: Professor Feigenbaum suffers from Repetitive Strain Injury
and cannot handle large amounts of email. Do NOT send her email about
CPSC468/568; instead, please contact her by phone, through the TA, or
through her assistant Judi Paige.
Textbook: Complexity Theory: A Modern Approach, by Sanjeev Arora and
Boaz Barak
- Homeworks: 10% each (x6 = 60% total)
- Exams: 20% each (x2 = 40% total)
Tentative Course Schedule
- Monday, Sept 21: HW1 due
- Thursday, Oct 1: HW2 due
- Tuesday, Oct 13: HW3 due
- Thursday, Oct 15: Exam 1, in class
- Monday, Nov 2: HW4 due
- Tuesday, Nov 17: HW5 due
- Tuesday, Dec 1: HW6 due
- Thursday, Dec 3: Exam 2, in class
- September 3, 2009: Course outline, introduction
- September 8, 2009: Turing-machine model, formal definitions of
polynomial time and nondeterministic polynomial time, many-to-one
polynomial-time reductions, definition of NP completeness. Thanks
to Raonne Barbosa Vargas, who took
CPSC 568 last year, we have this demo of a
Turing Machine recognizing a palindrome.
- September 10, 2009: Reducing SAT to 3SAT, start on proof of Cook's Theorem
- September 15, 2009: Finish proof of Cook's Theorem, introduction to
diagonalization and proof of the existence of an undecidable set, statement
of DTIME, NTIME, and DSPACE hierarchy theorems, diagonalization proof that
DTIME(n^2) is properly contained in DTIME(n^3), definition of an oracle TM
- September 17, 2009: The Baker-Gill-Solovay Theorem
- September 22, 2009: Revisiting time constructibility, examples of
functions that are not time-constructible; further discussion of relativized
computation and why the existence of an oracle relative to which P ≠ NP
does not imply that P ≠ NP; introduction to space-bounded computation and
configuration graphs
- September 24, 2009: Savitch's Theorem; PSPACE-completeness of TQBF
- September 29, 2009: Logspace reductions; NL-completeness of PATH; The
Immerman-Szelepcsenyi Theorem
- October 1, 2009: Making Cook's reduction parsimonious; Introduction to the
- October 6, 2009: Circuits and Turing Machines that take advice;
logspace-uniform circuits recognize exactly P; P/poly contains undecidable
languages; Karp-Lipton Theorem
- October 8, 2009: Probabilistic Turing Machines; the complexity classes RP,
coRP, ZPP, and BPP; the use of Chernoff bounds to decrease the probability
of error; Adleman's Theorem (BPP is contained in P/poly)
- October 13, 2009: Review for Exam 1
- October 15, 2009: Exam1
- October 20, 2009: The Sipser-Gacs Theorem; Introduction to IP;
Pairwise-independent hash-function families
- October 22, 2009: Proof that the set of all affine functions over a finite
field is a pairwise-independent hash-function family; the Goldwasser-Sipser
lower-bound protocol
- October 27, 2009: IP is contained in PSPACE, Arithmetization of 3CNF
- October 29, 2009: Interactive proof system for co-3SAT
- November 3, 2009: Interactive proof system for TQBF
- November 5, 2009: More on the interactive proof system for TQBF.
Introduction to multiprover interactive proof systems.
- November 10, 2009: Using MIP = NEXP to prove a hardness-of-approximation
result for the clique-number problem. Introduction to #P.
- November 12, 2009: Proof of the USAT version of the Valiant-Vazirani
lemma; definition of parity-P; amplification of correctness probability in
the parity-P version of the Valiant-Vazirani lemma.
- November 17, 2009: Generalizing Valiant-Vazirani: For any L in the PH,
there is a ppt reduction A such that membership of x in L is, with
probability exponentially close to 1, equivalent to membership of A(x) in
- November 19, 2009: Derandomization to complete the proof of Toda's
Theorem: PH is contained in P^{#SAT}
- December 1, 2009: Review for Exam 2
- December 3, 2009: Exam 2
Hand in problem sets via the TA's mailbox on the first floor, or just hand them
directly to him. He's generally either in his office (AKW 301) or the open zoo
from late morning til evening on weekdays. You may also LaTex the problem
set nicely and email the pdf to the TA.
- HW1(due Mon, Sept 21): 1.2, 1.5, 1.15, 2.5, 2.10, 2.13, 2.30
- HW2(due Thurs, Oct 1): 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 4.10
- HW3(due Tues, Oct 13): 5.7, 5.9, 5.11, 6.3, 6.4, 6.9
- HW4(due Mon, Nov 2):7.6, 7.7, 7.10, 8.1, 8.9, 8.10
- HW5(due Tues, Nov 17): 8.7, 8.8, 17.1. 17.2, 17.3, 17.4
- HW6(due Tues, Dec 1): 6.14, 6.15, 7.9, 8.2, 8.5, 7.11 (optional)
Reading Assignments:
- Skim Introduction and Chapter 0
- Read sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.6
- Read discussion of Ladner's Theorem in Chapter 3
- Sections 7.6 and 7.7 of Arora-Barak
- For HW5, read Sections 17.1, 17.2, and 17.3 of Arora-Barak.