Computer Science 468/568 Announcements

4/21/18 The second exam will be Thursday (4/26) 2:30-3:45 in room 351 Loria. It will cover Chapters 6-9 and 11 in the textbook and homeworks #6-8. You may bring ONE double-sided sheet of notes to the exam -- otherwise, it is closed book and notes. There will be a review session Sunday (4/22) 3-4:30 in WTS A74 (note this is Watson Center, not AKW.)
4/21/18 Review and office hours schedule for the second exam. Times are pm.
	Su (4/22) 3-4:30  Review Session, WTS A74
	Su (4/22) 6-9     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (4/23) 2-3:45  Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Tu (4/24) 4-6     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	We (4/25) 4-7     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium

	Th (4/26) 2:30-3:45  Exam #2, Loria 351
4/13/18 Though there is no homework after #8, there will be office hours for the week of 4/15, shown below. Times are pm.
	Su (4/15)  6-9     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (4/16)  2-3:45  Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Mo (4/16)  7-10    Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
4/13/18 An example run of the Sumcheck Protocol: Sumcheck-example.pdf. Also, an example where the Prover fools the Verifier: Sumcheck-fooling-example.pdf.
4/7/18 Office hours schedule for homework #8. Times are pm.
	Su (4/8)  6-9     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (4/9)  2-3:45  Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Tu (4/10) 4-6     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	We (4/11) 4-7     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
4/6/18 The eighth homework, due in class on Thursday 4/12, is available from [Assignments]. Please also read Chapter 9 (Cryptography) of the textbook.
3/31/18 Office hours schedule for homework #7. Times are pm.
	Su (4/1) 6-9     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (4/2) 2-3:45  Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Tu (4/3) 4-6     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	We (4/4) 4-7     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
3/29/18 The seventh homework, due in class on Thursday 4/5, is available from [Assignments].
3/25/18 Office hours schedule for homework #6. Times are pm.
	Su (3/25) 6-9     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (3/26) 2-3:45  Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Tu (3/27) 4-6     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	We (3/28) 4-7     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
2/9/18 The sixth homework, due in class on Thursday 3/29, is available from [Assignments].
3/5/18 Office hours schedule (no homework due this week)
	Mo (3/5) 2-3:45pm  Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
2/23/18 Office hours schedule for first exam.
	Su (2/25) 6-9pm     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (2/26) 2-3:45pm  Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Mo (2/26) 4-7pm     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Tu (2/27) 10am-noon Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
2/21/18 The first exam will be Tuesday (2/27) 2:30-3:45 in room A60 Watson Center (at the corner of Sachem and Prospect, diagonally across from the skating rink). It will cover Chapters 0-5 in the textbook, homeworks #1-5, and lectures up through the polynomial hierarchy and alternation. You may bring ONE double-sided sheet of notes to the exam -- otherwise, it is closed book and notes. There will be a review session Friday (2/23) 2-3:30 in AKW 000. Your homework #5 must be submitted by the start of the review session to count.
2/16/18 Office hours schedule for homework #5. Times are pm.
	Su (2/18) 6-9     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (2/19) 2-3:45  Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Tu (2/20) 4-6     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	We (2/21) 4-7     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
2/15/18 The reference for the article mentioned in lecture (2/15) is: Alternation, by Chandra, Kozen and Stockmeyer in JACM, vol. 28 number 1, (1981), pp. 114-133.
2/15/18 The fifth homework, due in class on Thursday 2/22, is available from [Assignments].
2/9/18 Office hours schedule for homework #4. Times are pm.
	Su (2/11) 6-9     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (2/12) 2-4     Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Tu (2/13) 4-6     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	We (2/14) 4-7     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
2/9/18 The fourth homework, due in class on Thursday 2/15, is available from [Assignments].
2/2/18 Reference for the Thursday (2/1) lecture on Ladner's Theorem.
2/2/18 Office hours schedule for homework #3. Times are pm.
	Su (2/4) 6-9     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (2/5) 2-3:45  Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Tu (2/6) 4-6     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	We (2/7) 4-7     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
2/1/18 The third homework, due in class on Thursday 2/8, is available from [Assignments].
1/30/18 Office hours schedule for homework #2. Times are pm.
	Su (1/28) 6-9     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (1/29) 2-4     Dana, AKW 414 (and by appointment: email me)
	Tu (1/30) 8-10    ** Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium **
	We (1/31) 4-7     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
1/25/18 The second homework, due in class on Thursday 2/1, is available from [Assignments].
1/17/18 Office hours schedule for homework #1. Times are pm.
	Th (1/18) 4-6     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Fr (1/19) 2:30-4  Dana, AKW 414
	Su (1/21) 3-6     Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
	Mo (1/22) 7-10    Lee, AKW 2nd floor atrium
1/13/18 The first homework, due in class on Tuesday 1/23, is available from [Assignments].
1/11/18 Welcome to Computer Science 468/568!

Last modified: April 21, 2018